Bumblefoot surgery - with pics and "how to"

I would go ahead and work on her and see if she improves.. If she has streaking up the leg it may require additional injections of Antibiotics..
I would go ahead and work on her and see if she improves..  If she has streaking up the leg it may require additional injections of Antibiotics..
Well i decided to try and work on her foot with warm water and Epsom salt....soaking and snipping and trying to get to the bottom of this thing. She is being a trooper. Now since she is wet I noticed her crop is quit full so I messaged it also. Hope it helps. I have all the necessary things to finish it now I just have to get it cleaned all the way out. I am squeamish though, hope I can finish helping her. Thanks for the help
Well i decided to try and work on her foot with warm water and Epsom salt....soaking and snipping and trying to get to the bottom of this thing. She is being a trooper. Now since she is wet I noticed her crop is quit full so I messaged it also. Hope it helps. I have all the necessary things to finish it now I just have to get it cleaned all the way out. I am squeamish though, hope I can finish helping her. Thanks for the help
Well, not too bad. But sadly it was taking me a while to work on her as i do not have a really good ezacto-knife. It's pretty sharp (and yes i soaked it in alcohol while she was soaking) but the head on it swivels a bit. It was more like i was digging it out than cutting it out. After more than an hour of soaking and "cutting", I still don't think i got to the "corn" of the problem. I didn't want her to lay there any longer, so I cleaned it, put Vetricyn on it and guazed and wrapped it like the pic's show. My son looked at her this morning, as will I. I'm sure she's exhausted, me too, but i may try a bit more today, time willing.
She does have all the signs of the "bumblefoot"...dark spot, puffy calloused looking.....but when i went to cut it open, I really didn't see what i saw in the pic's. Maybe i was cutting at the "corn" part as well? Also, this bumblefoot thing to me resembles like a wart type thing. NOT to be disgusting, but if you've ever had one and tried to get rid of it by cutting it out and using the wart remover, that's what it seems like to me?
So anyway, what about her crop? My son said he saw her poo yesterday, so she is doing that, but her crop still seems big and a bit hard yet squishy. Messaging it is good, right? Unfortunatly we are going camping this weekend, so not much will be done with her while we are gone. Someone else will be feeding for me.
Thanks for asking about it all.Ii've never experienced this....always something new, right? Better go feed my horses!
OK....went out to feed and check on hen. She is definitly still not feeling well. Maybe worse. As i said it was rough going trying to get that out of her foot, i am sure it is sore. I did put the vetricyn on but have not had another chance to look at it....now i need to go to work. Plus i figured i'd let her have a day of rest without me picking on her. I will definitly get to her tomorrow.
The Vetricyn is an antibiotic. The article I posted explains about superbugs and how the antibiotics are not helping but actually hurting, both humans and animals. If you want to take care of this chicken and really get rid of the infection quickly and non-toxically, use Sovereign Silver or another colloidal silver product (superbugs can't live if treated with silver) on her foot and use the homeopathic remedy Hepar Sulphur Calcaria. They are little pellets and the chickens will usually pick them up and eat them. Don't you touch the pellets with your fingers because the medicine is on the outside of the pellet and would be absorbed by your hand. Not that it would hurt you, but that it would make it ineffective for your chicken. You can also use the little cup the homeopathic pellets comes with to drop the pellet into a grape half that has a little slit cut into it.
lynn-z: How is your chicken doing? By the way, there is not always a hard kernel in bumblefoot.

LibertyChick: Use of antibiotics as growth promoters for livestock in intensive production is the main cause of emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Antibiotic treatment for a known bacterial infection is appropriate use.
LibertyChick: Use of antibiotics as growth promoters for livestock in intensive production is the main cause of emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Antibiotic treatment for a known bacterial infection is appropriate use.
x2. Agreed. Especially when dealing with deadly staph infection that's caused by bumblefoot.

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