Bumblefoot surgery - with pics and "how to"

I have worked on my hen for three days now and I still can't get a plug or kernal out. I feel like I am torturing the poor girl now. The swelling seems to be down though. I think I will just keep soaking and not open it up anymore.
With my girls, I have found that sometimes it's more just a lot of goopy stuff and not a solid mass. Sometimes I had to repeat in a week or so, but eventually successful. I would do the soaking and bandaging and see how she heals.
If the swelling is down, it must be getting better. Just keep putting neosporin on it and bandage it. See how it goes.
Does anyone know if there is anything you can put on the foot or give them for pain while doing this?
I really can't think of anything topical. I know you can give baby asprin to a chicken to help with the pain, but I'm not sure if it's a whole pill or half a pill or what. I have seen asprin water for chickens sold in feed stores for when they are sick or feverish. I really don't think the asprin is going to do much for them during surgery. Maybe afterward.
I've done a couple of bumblefoots myself (didn't find much though) and have even done two crop surgeries, and I have to say, I think the chickens have a high tolerance for pain because they don't squawk (I heard one little squawk when I made the first cut during surgery), they stay fairly still and don't fight if you wrap them in a towel and they basically let you do what you need to. I've seen chickens tore up from predators bad enough, but they still heal up nicely with a little help. Now, some say it is their nature to not show any disability or illness til the bitter end. Which is why it's hard to spot illness or injury til it's well advanced in a chicken. They do this so they will not be picked on by the flock. Injured or sick birds are driven out by the other birds. Not very compassionate creatures are they? :p
Earlier last week I had a hen with bumble foot- all i did was pop off the scab and put some antibiotic ointment on, then wrap it up in gauze and surgical tape. Now its back. I don't want to have to pull out a bunch of gunk...gross... guess I have to do it anyway. :(
Please, please, please reconsider, using ANY form of antibiotic unless it's herbal, homeopathic, silver or any other natural antibiotic. Giving your animals antibiotics contributes to the superbugs that are resistant to the antibiotics. Not just for your animal's health, but for your health too as you eat the eggs and possibly the meat.

It's not just the doctors giving antibiotics for viral infections and Factory farmed animals getting antibiotics every day (or they would die), it's also the backyard farmer that gives antibiotics for any possible infection or just about any problem..."just in case" that is causing superbugs.

Herbal, silver, homeopathics and natural antibiotics do NOT cause superbugs and will keep your animals healthy.

Please read this article just posted on Mercola...

CDC Reveals Disturbing Truth about Factory Farms and Superbugs


2 weeks ago i got a flock of 8 chickens from a "friend" of mine that are all about 1 year old. I've had one other flock before and have never encountered what i am now finding to be bumblefoot. They've been at my house now for about 2 weeks. Although i did notice one hen being a little sad right off the bat, i didn't think to check anything on her as i thought maybe it was the move that bothered her. Then a few days later i realized that maybe there was something wrong with her foot. Upon further research, now realize it must be bumble foot.

Anyway, since she sadly has now been suffering with it for at least 2 weeks - maybe longer - if she was given to me that way (they were all free mind you) is it too late to try to at least soak it and or try to rid her of any kind of infection. I am not good with any kind of "surgery".... though i will try to help her the best i can. I do have Betadine shampoo and Vetricyn spray and epsom salt to soak. Also the vet wrap,etc. as i do own horses as well.
Will it be possible to help her at all as i beleive she is far gone with it already. She still try's to get up and eat and I have brought in some grass clippings as these hens don't care to go outside for some reason. She will try to pick thru that as well....but she is very sad, i can tell. Oh by the way, i believe her to be a black Ameracauna. Very cute.
Thanks for any help.

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