
ChickenLittle 3

Feb 26, 2017
I have a blue ameraucana hen that i recently bought from a man and I noticed after I got her home she has swollen feet and they both have black scabs I have no experience with this I read what I think it may be Bumblefoot but I'd like to get another's opinion and some treatment options and also was wondering if maybe this could be affecting her laying I've had her for a week and haven't got a single egg from her which i thought maybe she needed to settle in but any information would be great thanks
Can you soak the feet in some warm soapy water, then gently scrub the legs, feet (bottoms of them too), then re-post another photo when they have been cleaned?

It's really hard to tell if those are scabs or if it is stuck on poop. Chickens naturally have all kinds of nooks and crannies on the bottom of their feet and dirt, poop, debris gets stuck on there.

After you have cleaned them, you can soak her feet in a warm epsom salts bath, this will hopefully reduce any swelling.

Keep us posted.
I will try to catch her and wash her feet I tried to pick the scabs but they were really on there i cleaned them with alcohol pads and put antibiotic ointment and wrap on them but once I get her n clean her feet I'll post another pic

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