

Jul 13, 2022
So my brown leghorn has bumblefoot. I noticed her walking a little funny so I looked and it's got a scab looking spot on the bottom. We cleaned her foot & I've given her a soak in epsom salt. Sprayed her foot with the betadine and wrapped it with neopsorin, gauze and vet wrap. We did this 2 days now and the swelling looks as though it's gotten bigger and the scab isn't pulling off. So I'm thinking we will need to perform the "surgery". So my question is how long once we get the infection out will we need to keep her cleaned disinfected and wrapped up? Also seems like the pad on her other foot may be a little swelled but there is no scabbing or look of infection, could it just be swelled cause she's using it more to stay off the other foot so much?
Once you get the scab off and the infection/core cleaned out you will still need to soak (20 minutes +), then clean, treat and wrap till it's fully healed. Depending on the extent of the infection and if you miss even a tiny bit of it can determine how long it takes to heal. Bumblefoot can be notoriously hard to get rid of. As far as her other foot swelling, if she is using that foot a lot more, jumping and stuff and especially if she's a heavy bird that may cause that and she could be at risk for developing a bumble in the other foot. Also if she's older they can sometimes develop gout. If you could upload some photos of feet and bumble.

Once you get the scab off and the infection/core cleaned out you will still need to soak (20 minutes +), then clean, treat and wrap till it's fully healed. Depending on the extent of the infection and if you miss even a tiny bit of it can determine how long it takes to heal. Bumblefoot can be notoriously hard to get rid of. As far as her other foot swelling, if she is using that foot a lot more, jumping and stuff and especially if she's a heavy bird that may cause that and she could be at risk for developing a bumble in the other foot. Also if she's older they can sometimes develop gout. If you could upload some photos of feet and bumble.

I'm having a hell of a time getting the scab off. And unfortunately don't have any pictures. She is young and smaller. My faverolles are twice her size and only 5 and a half months old.. she's about a year an a half old.
Sometimes it can take awhile for the scab to soften enough to come off. You can apply a drawing salve such as PRID, magnoplasm or honey after you’ve soaked and dried the foot, before wrapping with gauze and vetwrap for the night. It will continue to soften the scab that way.

Another member shared a trick that helped expedite the process, maybe you can try it.

Once you get the scab off and the infection/core cleaned out you will still need to soak (20 minutes +), then clean, treat and wrap till it's fully healed. Depending on the extent of the infection and if you miss even a tiny bit of it can determine how long it takes to heal. Bumblefoot can be notoriously hard to get rid of. As far as her other foot swelling, if she is using that foot a lot more, jumping and stuff and especially if she's a heavy bird that may cause that and she could be at risk for developing a bumble in the other foot. Also if she's older they can sometimes develop gout. If you could upload some photos of feet and bumble.

So I thought I got the core out but then I cleaned her and rewrapped her again last night and it's still really swollen in wondering if I just got the scab. The scab when it came off was thick so I thought I got everything with it but after seeing it last night and she was freaking out not wanting me to touch it so I wasn't able to get a great look at it.
It takes time to cure. Just keep at it with the soaks, cleaning, treatment and wrap. Some people have had good luck with using prid drawing salve too. I find that if a chicken is being reluctant putting a towel over her to contain her can help.

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