
Gloria's mom

In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 24, 2009
I am still fairly new in chicken world, okay I only have two now. I've had Gloria for 17 mos and Sheriff is only 4 mos old. This evening I have spent hours reading pages and pages of past topics. I am really happy I did, I found it extremely informative.
Quite a bit more than any book I've read.

I have, through all this reading, discovered to my dismay that my Gloria has bumblefoot.
She has had it for quit some time. At first when I discovered she had a swollen foot I saw there appeared to be a scab on the bottom of her foot. I soaked her foot in warm water and removed the scab and put an antibiotic on it and kept her in the house for a few days. I did not, I'm sorry to say, follow through with any more treatments. It looked fine at that time when I put her back outside. I now have discovered that she has a very large growth between her toes.

So I would like to thank everyone who posted treatments for bumblefoot.
I will get all the necessary medications tomorrow and start treatment again. Hopefully I will be able to get this under control without further complications.
We had the same problem... we removed the scab from bottom of foot... then the swellling on the top got worse...hubby finally helped me and he just made a small cut at the top of the bump and at the bottom of bump and bingo this big ol thing came out.
I am so looking foreward to Sunny's treatments- bleh

I think he has bumblefoot, also.

Really, I am not trying to hijack your thread into a "Bumblefoot Pitty Party" but... OUR POOR CHICKENS
Thought I would give you an update on Gloria's surgery. OMG that was the most disgusting thing ever.
I hope I never have to do that again.

I have a friend, who happens to be a nurse, come over to help. I found I could not accomplish this by myself. Gloria's foot was so swollen the scab was completely buried in the bottom of her foot. We had to cut her foot and this enormous thing finally came out.
I didn't expect it to be so hard. I thought it would be more like a abscess. This had to be the size of a small marble!

I was so proud of how well Gloria did.
My friend could not get over how well she behaved either. I know it will feel much better getting that thing out. I just hope now it heals quickly.

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