

In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 1, 2009
Hi everyone, by way of introduction, I have 8 assorted chickens, 1 Muscovy hen and 2 Drake Pekins. All is great; however, I noticed about a week ago that my white leg horn, Cookie, about 3 years old had what looked like a little abscess between her 2 toes. I picked her up and noticed the abscess was about the size of a dime with a black circle at the center of her pad. She is acting totally normal otherwise, eating, drinking, traveling with the rest of the flock, etc. and laying. Never had anything wrong with any of them, so I resorted to googling and came up with a description of bumblefoot that I'm thinking could be what she has. I hope I didn't do harm, but I gently peeled off the scab and had been washing it out with saline wash, some peroxide and smearing some triple antibiotic ointment on it and then putting a band-aid on it when she went to bed at night. They are in a pen during the day and I let them out of their run to free roam every evening at 6 pm until about 8 pm when they all go in. The only thing I didn't do in terms of treatment was epsom salt soaking.

Well, unfortunately, I lost my rooster about 2 months ago and he was at the vet for 3 days and quite the costly bill, but unfortunately, I had to put him down in the end. I was hoping to keep her from having to go to the vet and try my own nursing, but will do so if anyone here thinks she is in danger. I know being on an antibiotic probably is the best thing.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!!!! Thank you in advance :)
There may be a core inside of the abcess which most describe as a hard cheese-like kernel that needs to be dug out, then clean as you are doing, coat with neosporin, and wrap with vetwrap or ducktape to keep dirt out while healing.

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