Bumblfoot turned into blister?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 9, 2014
I've been treating one of my ducks for bumble foot, soaking her foot in Epsom salt water and limiting the amount that she walks.
She's gotten better, I haven't noticed as much limping, but where the bumble was it now looks like there is a fluidy blister.

Any suggestions as to what my course of action should be? Currently, I'm still just treating her for bumblefoot
You can try adding a bit of antiseptic to your soaking solution such as Nolvasan. Some folks cut open the blister, flush thoroughly, and apply an iodine solution to cauterize the area. If you do this make sure the hen remains in a clean area until the area is healed.

Good luck!
You can try adding a bit of antiseptic to your soaking solution such as Nolvasan.  Some folks cut open the blister, flush thoroughly, and apply an iodine solution to cauterize the area. If you do this make sure the hen remains in a clean area until the area is healed.

Good luck!

Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely try this out!
With ducks, I am not keen on opening the foot - you can put a few drops of clear (yes, clear, not brown) iodine on the bump and then wait several days - the iodine makes a black scab. The foot is then soaked well, and the scab can be loosened and removed, pulling the bumble contents with it. If the scab won't loosen, it is not ready, apply more iodine, wait a few days and try again. This has worked for a number of people on the forum.

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