Bummed. One of my cats died.

Sounds like Patch had a wonderful life with you and your other critters. What wonderful memories you will always have of her...
I just lost my precious Athena a month ago yesterday. She really suffered the last week and a half of her life. She was 14 1/2. I had tamed her from the wild. It is SO hard.

I have since adopted two adorable longhaired sister kittens that were flea ridden. Some guy was going to THROW THEM OUT!! I'm sure Angel Athena would want me to give them a good home like she had.
I understand what you're going through, and I'm so sorry for your loss

I am so sorry for this loss! She was beautiful and I am glad she went peacefully curled up like cats do. And in a home where she was comfortable and happy. Best way I think
I'm so sorry for your loss too. I have lost way too many pets to cancer. I have a 12 year old kitty that was looking scrawny too. We did the full meal deal on the blood work, expecting kidneys or thyroid problems,as those are common reasons for older cats to start losing weight. Everything came back fine, except the white blood cell count. Though the vet is having me try some antibiotics, she thinks it is most likely cancer. Like you did with your special girl, I plan on just spoiling her until she no longer is enoying life. Again, I am so sorry for your loss.
Sorry to about your loss--she looked just like our 13-year old cat, Cuddles, who is also an excellent hunter but lives up to his name--there isn't a lap he'll refuse to occupy. Having pets means a death in the family every 12 to 18 years.
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