Bump or Bulblike Sore in Mouth - Swollen Cheek


In the Brooder
May 28, 2017
Poor year old Rhode Island Red hen has been sick for a few days (noticed she was hiding out in pen for about a week). I thought she was brooding, so didn't look too closely.

I have been scouring the web trying to figure out what to do. I am wondering if this may be canker, but it doesn't have a yellowish cheesy look to it. I want to see first if there is a simple treatment, and if necessary take her to the vet. Unfortunately, it is Memorial Day Weekend, so it might have to wait for a few days.

She is still eating, but can't eat any pellets, they need to be ground. Her poop is watery as she hasn't been eating too much.

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I bet she has an abscess. Could be from anything she ate that might have been sharp or got lodged like a splinter. You might want to lance it (if you can from the outside) She's a sick chicky. I'm so sorry.
Welcome To BYC

It does look like it could be canker. You can try treating with FishZole (Metronidazole, Flagyl) 250 mg split into 2doses - give daily for 5days. Vet care would be best, they can confirm or rule out canker. Does it have a bad odor?

Clean and sanitize all you water stations - if it's canker it's contagious. Separate her from the flock to help avoid cross-contamination.

Grinding her pellets is a good idea, I'm sure it's difficult to eat. You can also offer the ground pellets wet - made into a mash the consistency of oatmeal or even more watery if need be to see if that's easier to eat. You can also try boosting her protein by offering chopped egg, tuna, beef liver or meat.

Keep us posted.
Thank you for your ideas. I am going to try to find something topical right now, and when the vet is back from the holiday, will bring her in. Do you think this in really bad shape? She still gets around, but is really slow and rests a lot. We do let them range around in the yard, so it could be either something she drank, or got lodged in her mouth.
Brought her to the vet today. He said she looks great, still has all her feathers, but she is only about 3 lbs. He tried to insert a needle into the bump in her mouth to see if there is pus, but nothing came out. He said that she needs an operation to further investigate. It could be something got lodged in there, and the body calcified around the foreign object, or she has cancer. Either way, it is a touch and go operation. Hopes she makes it.
Sorry to have to report, but the vet said that it was indeed a tumor and about 3 inches long all the way down her jawbone. We decided to let her go at this point. I miss her already.


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