
11 Years
May 27, 2012
Morgan Hill California
Hey so has anyone ever bought the "Bungalow" chicken coop from My Pet Chicken?? I was thinking of getting one and adding it to my current set up.
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Im going to go for it. I emailed My Pet Chicken and they assured me it wasnt cheaply built. I ordered it today, so I'll let you know how it turns out. I have a coop already, I put some pictures of it up, I call it the Peach Parlor. Its really cool, but I dont want to build another one, its too elaborate and I just dont have the time or energy anymore. Im going to add a run to the Bungalow it and connect to my other run that goes to the Peach Parlor.Im going to put a door in between to separate the two runs and coops so when I get me bantam easter eggers to the point where they can be outside, I can keep them separated for a while. Yee Hah. Had a blue silkie hatch yesterday!
I'd love to hear how it works out. I've been looking for reviews but it must be too new. When are you planning to order? My brooder is ready to explode with 6 four week old wild ones!!

I am hesitant to build something, it will cost a fortune if I design it. I'm not sure I have the energy to do it, either!
From responses on this website. Most of these coops are smaller than you think, and don't hold as many chickens as advertised. Most of the negative stuff I've read is from "cc coops" or something like that. The my pet chicken coop looks like it has a wood roof that will need weather proofing IMO. But it looks cute in the picture.
Interesting. I wonder if the CC coops is competition trying to drive people away?

Where did you read the negative reviews? I hadn't seen any yet.

It does seem kinda small for 6 birds. :/
My coop should be here between the 5th and the 10th. Ive been looking on line for reviews and cant find any either. It looks bigger in the picture I think than it actually is. I'll be putting 4 to 6 bantam easter eggers in it, so I think it will be big enough. I probably have at least1000 bucks into the coop I've already built, by the time you buy the wood and the screws and the hardware. The wire alone was 300 bucks for a 100' roll and Im on my second one and will probably need a third before I get done. I posted some pics of it on this website, its the called the Peach Parlor. I was supposed to finish painting it, and I ended up expanding it AGAIN. Im supposed to work on my house too. HA!
. My freinds all think Im crazy, but they do like the eggs. As soon as I get it I'll make sure I post pics and a review. Im already telling my self that it wont be anywhere close to being as beefy as the one I built. Originally I had wheels on my coop so I could move it around but by the time I got done it was so heavy it takes 3 men and a boy (or one woman) to move it. I had to use my floor jack from my truck to jack it up, take the wheels off and put railroad ties under it. The gal from My Pet Chicken did say to make sure that you paint it with Thompsons Water Seal or something like that. It better be water tight tho or I'll be ticked!
At least you can move it with a car jack! If I built it, you'd need a bobcat! I always over engineer things like this. I build for hurricanes in earthquake land. As far as the 3 men and one girl, this girl can move it, but I'm smart enough to ask the men to do it for me ;) I used to move stuff myself, now I just ask for help and things miraculously get moved :)

Let me know how you feel about the bungalow. I checked out your parlor, if that bungalow is anywhere near as sturdy, it's a great deal! I'm really hoping to not have to build it. We have a giant Cooper's hawk that lives next door. I think I'd need 2 or 3 rolls of hardware cloth to fend off that beast. It dive bombed my husband and I last week!! We had the chicks out in the front lawn and this huge hawk swooped down over us and landed on our rain gutter with a huge clatter. It was crazy! We are both well over 6' and this hawk did not care. He saw chicken dinner. He did not get one, but it inspired me to make a predator proof coop a priority.

Let us know the bungalow works out.

Oh and don't feel badly about the old house needing work- we have a 1927 Spanish. One of our bathrooms doesn't even have a sink. It stopped working and we just ignore it! We'll get around to it some day. Old houses rule, even if they go on strike sometimes.
I haven't seen the one you are talking about but in my hunt for a new coop I have come to realize the pics are really misleading, they look alot bigger than they really are, it wasn't till I built a shelter over the door on my existing coop that I got a sense off how small some off them are, and some company's give the measurements including the nest box which can be misleading too.
I look forward to your pics, I have just had a new one delivered for my future silkies And can't wait to put it together, being 6 months pregnant with a toddler aswell I really can't build one from scratch anymore so am doing the same as you. Hope it turns out to be what you were wanting :)
Beware, they look bigger then they are, I purchased one coop of tree's and it said for 4 birds, well there is two in it and it's stupid . Not worth the cost when some one can build a coop for way less to hold 4 or 5 birds. I gave it to my mom for two birds,. Oh and I do not care what they say, there not real weather resistant. Put a tarp over it when it rains, or encase a roof over it.

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