Burping ducks


7 Years
Jul 2, 2012
Hi i was wondering if anyone else has burping ducks. my ducks dont do it as often now but occasionally they sort of stretch and burp really loud. i was wondering if anyone knows what this is because i thought they couldnt burp. its weird. sometimes they do it alot and sometimes not at all. ill try and see if i can catch one doing it at some point and post a video. but does anyone know what this is??
Well from the reasearch i did it was either worms in thier throat which i know now it isnt as i have my own endoscope and personally checked and took them to a vet to check but otherwise its still a mystery. they dont do it as much anymore but they still ocassionally start it. its really wierd.. im hoping to catch them in the act on video some time and post it to see what replies i get that way..

I dont think its anything to worry about probably ther are just releasing gas or dislodging bits of food in thier gullet.
Well from the reasearch i did it was either worms in thier throat which i know now it isnt as i have my own endoscope and personally checked and took them to a vet to check but otherwise its still a mystery. they dont do it as much anymore but they still ocassionally start it. its really wierd.. im hoping to catch them in the act on video some time and post it to see what replies i get that way..

I dont think its anything to worry about probably ther are just releasing gas or dislodging bits of food in thier gullet.
Hi, Marwan!
Ah i wish all the best, i have two boys so now lady problems yet.. but plenty gentlemen ones XD
Hi Marwan

First of all, your drakes are beautiful! I've watched your videos, you are truly blessed. I can fully relate to your joy because I feel the same for my 2 duckies and one drake.

Now - to answer to your thread : I think I know what you're talking about. My beautiful 8month-old Welsh Harlequin drake (he looks a lot like your Rouen boys, in fact WH's have some Rouen genes in their pool, - only a bit taller and slenderer) does the same thing. I've noticed it for the first time only recently, through the past .. 6-8 weeks? But he seems to be doing it quite often lately, and then he doesn't for a couple days, then again ... I am not sure what is wrong, or if there is actually anything wrong at all, I do intend to call their vet these days and can let you know as soon as I find out.

All the love to your doodles,

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