Butchering Day- 75 Cornish X's! (Graphic, and Pic-Heavy)

I'll be looking for it. You aren't all that far from southwest Oklahoma, are you?

Oh, you are? Well, that's okay. Looks like it is worth the trip anyway.


BYC's main Meat Chicken Man is going to invite us. I think you should be ready for a crowd. Might want to rent some bleachers.

Better yet, rent a football stadium.
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Man... love the table. I have been looking for a couple of stainless steel set ups at auctions but havn't closed on one yet. Makes clean up so much easier, and it looks 10 times better than any plastic or wooden table.

Good set-up... however I'm really upset that your plucker looks just like my $1200 plucker from featherman! For $300 you made that thing look nice... Kudos to you! You should build these things and then sell them for like $600 bucks, something to add to your cones....

Keep the beer in the fridge, your belly full... and have a relaxing winter! Good Job.
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Thanks- I've actually thought about selling them, but I wasn't sure what I could get for them and what the legalities were of selling Kimball's plan. Anyone have any legal knowledge on that one? I suppose I could ask him for his permission??? That would keep me busy over the winter! As for the table, check at metal scrap yards. Those places are AWESOME. You can find about anything, and pay by the pound, rather than for what you're getting.
I will have to look into the scrap yard thing. I have a buddy whose dad is a manager at one... I'm going to have to tell him to keep his eyes peeled.

As far as selling... your ok legally. Why wouldn't you be? I mean it's like selling my featherman that I have... I have every right to sell it. Kimball made his money, you bought the plans didn't you? Those whizbangs come in about 500 different ways to do them... there is no way he could patent them.

It would be different if you took his plans copied them and than put "Jakes Whizbang Plucker Directions".... That would be patent infringement.
Yup- but I do that when I gut them as well. Personally, I find the thought of eating organs disgusting, and I don't know anyone who wants them, so they get burned.
Yup- but I do that when I gut them as well. Personally, I find the thought of eating organs disgusting, and I don't know anyone who wants them, so they get burned.

The giblets make great dog food, as well as a ground up carcass.
Now you've got me thinking... maybe I'll check into that. I could always do it on a preorder basis and have them ready for spring. It might be a good winter project. I wonder what it would cost to ship those darn things?!

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