Butchering your roosters!

Today was the day ... freezer camp of one of our EE cockerels and one of our sons. It went very well using the home made killcone. At 16 weeks they were crowing early in the morning, we will miss that. Fully processed they weighed in at 3 lbs and 3.24 lbs. One got away and ran off into the woods ... we may or may not see him again. Must not waste these fine birds. Dick and his brother may become chicken jerky.
Today was the day ... freezer camp of one of our EE cockerels and one of our sons. It went very well using the home made killcone. At 16 weeks they were crowing early in the morning, we will miss that. Fully processed they weighed in at 3 lbs and 3.24 lbs. One got away and ran off into the woods ... we may or may not see him again. Must not waste these fine birds. Dick and his brother may become chicken jerky.View attachment 1125669
That is a unique looking bird. Rather pretty too. So it is an EE x ?. extra toes. looks meaty. I don't mind the crowing. mine are just now 16 weeks old and have done 6 so far with 3-4 more to do. I bought a Medium Kill cone. It helped me. :) I have never tried chicken jerky. will have to try that. Happy Eating..
So it is an EE x ?. extra toes. looks meaty. I don't mind the crowing
Yup, we got 6 Easter Eggers with our son, he took 4, we took 2. Straight run, turned out 3 Roos, 3 pullets. The extra toe was weird. 16 weeks and 3 lbs plus ( We have Ameracuanas, RIR, and Plymouth Rock Roos so don't want EE Roos. I still have a Buff Polish Roo, an extra RIR Roo and 3 Wild Eastern turkeys to process (freeze camp friends). I built the kill cone with aluminum flat stock
This thread is encouraging. I really want to butcher my own chicken ( better taste, better treatment, knowing your food source, etc) but my husband is super squeamish, and I have trouble killing anything, even bugs. But I think I have found a solution - I have a neighbor who will do the killing part, I'll do the raising and dressing out. Once it's dead I'm good to go :D Then we'll split the proceeds. I want to raise olive eggers so it's inevitable I will have cockerels to spare...
Good solution Montana. Always nice when you can get with someone to compliment your strengths-weaknesses and work it out without dollars spent. I know there are dollars in your barter as far as feed/time/whatnot, but you know what I mean. :)
This thread is encouraging. I really want to butcher my own chicken ( better taste, better treatment, knowing your food source, etc) but my husband is super squeamish, and I have trouble killing anything, even bugs. But I think I have found a solution - I have a neighbor who will do the killing part, I'll do the raising and dressing out. Once it's dead I'm good to go :D Then we'll split the proceeds. I want to raise olive eggers so it's inevitable I will have cockerels to spare...
It's good to live in a neighborhood where you can do this!
I'm vegetarian
I've just got a question, serious question.....why did you post on this thread? When I was vegetarian I would have never even gone to this thread (based on the title of it)...much less post on it.....I live a positive outlook on life and I believe what you put out is a reflection of your heart.....so when I was a vegetarian I would have been on the thread with the vegetarians (BTW I still eat some vegetarian meals cause quite honestly the flavors of veggies are incredible..but when I want meat I just add it to the dish or have it on the side) and encouraged them. Had you come on this thread and posted something positive like "I'm vegetarian and I absolutely love allowing my chickens to live out their full lives" maybe you might have planted a seed in someones mind about vegetarianism or about possibly not butchering....but sadly I think you just did the opposite. Nobody on this site or anywhere in the world, agrees with everyone 100%, we all have different thoughts, backgrounds, upbringing and education. Nobody on this site or anywhere in the world is better then anybody else. We all bleed, hurt, love when we get down to the base core. As a former vegetarian I wished you had been more positive, but I absolutely respect your decision as a vegetarian....:hugs
Don't reply or get into an argument. It never ends well with those people. ;)
Wasn't going to go there and then thought....shoot when I was a vegetarian I would never have come on this thread. There are certain threads on here I never go to because I don't agree with the thread line but I'm happy there is a thread line for those who want to do those things so they can talk to people they have a common "thread" with, lol......
I don't butcher myself, as I don't have the heart to do it.Im a animal lover and just can't do it.

BUT I do not find it to be Cruel.I find it much better, because, well, do you relize where our meat is coming from these days?Shoved in tiny crates, killed, sent to CHINA to be processed and then sent back?!
And, it helps get rid of extra roosters that aren't needed.If a rooster isn't needed, all he is going to do is sit there and wait for something.

Sorry about my little ramble :)

Anyway, try MyPetChicken, Im pretty sure they have sexed Chancerlers
She finds it cruel because she is vegetarian, so its not the why or how you do it, its the fact that it is done. When I was vegetarian I felt the same way. It's actually pretty weird how some of us grow up eating meat and then go to vegetarianism and then others grow up vegetarian and switch to eating meat. I still have meals in my meal plan that are meatless, but obviously I am a meat eater now. But I'm happy she is happy with her choice and I support her in it......
I understand the not having the heart for the killing. I certainly won't enjoy it/I grew up in farmy ways and have gotten used to not getting attached to things that will be meals. They are treated well, just not allowed to become loved pets. Is the same with pigs, cows, sheep or anything else I'd raise with intent to eventually slaughter for meat.
SOOOOOOOOO me......I cry and pray over every single animal I either butcher or have to put down because they are too sick to go on. I still haven't been able to put down the sick ones....I have a vet do it. I don't let friends butcher my animals because I feel since I took on the responsibility of raising them and loving them and they have had an incredible life that I should be the one who holds them, cries and butchers them. I would just be beside myself if someone who didn't know how much I loved this animal would just treat it like a slaughterhouse. This is a living, breathing awe inspiring rooster, chicken, goat, sheep that has been loved and I want to be the one who is there in the end.
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