
There is several ways to roast a bird. You can put it in a cooking bag, cover it in a pan, rotisserie, or look up beer can chicken. I named it beer butt chicken in this house. I think the can roast is the best way to roast them.
I never tried that but I will if I remember the next time. When doing the beer butt chicken I always used store bought chicken & rubbed it down with seasoning. I only do a few birds at a time & they sometimes go from the sink to the pan/oven depending on what the wife wants to eat.

I think I got so hungry I had to come over here where the food is.
I've noticed that some people find home grown chicken to be "off" and some of the gap between market chicken and home chicken is that market chickens are injected "up to 15% salt solution" which helps heep the meat moist during dry heat cooking. In a dish like roast chicken, where the meat is the main coponent, instead of say, chicken tacos, where's it's a segment of the dish the differances in texture can really stand out.
To brine it just means to let it soak in salt water. I do this with most of my meat except for deer & beef but even with them I still soak the heart to get the blood taste out. I do this for 24 hours in the fridge with my other meats but I have never done chicken this way. I know what she is saying about the injecting just never gave it thought. I have been processing my one meat for a long time but I am new to chickens. I started getting them from other farms that wanted to thin out there rosters about a year ago. I now have my own flock so no more strange birds here. If they don't grow here then they don't come here.
You are a very helpful person. You also seem to be very informed. I have been having a problem with tough birds. Thanks for the tip.
I love to cook, and have a memory for obscure details (handy talent in a teacher). Heck if I could I'd spend summers driving from house to house making food for people.

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