Butler Bobwhite


12 Years
Sep 6, 2011
Does anybody know anything about this breed/strain of bobwhites. Seen some advertised, this years hatch for 3.50 a piece. Was told they are a bit larger, so was thinking about going and get about 20 or so for, some for the table and maybe a few breeders for next year.
I dont personally raise them but I see alot of people online saying they are the biggest quail they raise, up to 22 ounces. I read a couple sites that say they grow and mature at a faster rate and that they are 10-12 ounces in 8 weeks, I do not know if thats true but if so dannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng
I raise Butler bobs, got mine from JJ. Yes they are big birds. They will hit normal northern bob size in 10-12 weeks or so... 20oz to 30oz at a year old is not uncommon if you get good stock. Not every bird will be this big from anyone's stock... I bought eggs from 4 breeders to get the biggest birds... That was a year ago and I now have breeders from JJ. Most of mine are over 18 oz now. They have lots of tude at this size. Some bite for fun... Butlers are not a quick for the table bird, but they second to none on the table.... Bill

Edit To Add: There is nuthin more impressive that a pen full of huge Bobs... It rare to find some one not "into" quail, that's ever heard of a butler bob. Those folks always leave my pens shake'n their head with there mouth open...
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Butler Bob males are extremely pretty. And they can be large, although as stated above, not all of them grow to be a big variety. It would then be recommended to breed the largest females with the largest males to get the biggest birds.

Bob's can be a handful to raise sometimes as they do best in "pairing off" instead of colony raising, although if you have enough space, colony raising will work. My Bobs fight too much and I have found to keep the peace, I have to cage the pairs during breeding season where otherwise they live peacefully in an aviary environment thru out the rest of the year. Good luck!
I raise Butler bobs, got mine from JJ. Yes they are big birds. They will hit normal northern bob size in 10-12 weeks or so... 20oz to 30oz at a year old is not uncommon if you get good stock. Not every bird will be this big from anyone's stock... I bought eggs from 4 breeders to get the biggest birds... That was a year ago and I now have breeders from JJ. Most of mine are over 18 oz now. They have lots of tude at this size. Some bite for fun... Butlers are not a quick for the table bird, but they second to none on the table.... Bill

Edit To Add: There is nuthin more impressive that a pen full of huge Bobs... It rare to find some one not "into" quail, that's ever heard of a butler bob. Those folks always leave my pens shake'n their head with there mouth open...

Find me some 20 oz Butlers ..I will pay you a finders fee
I raise Butler bobs, got mine from JJ. Yes they are big birds. They will hit normal northern bob size in 10-12 weeks or so... 20oz to 30oz at a year old is not uncommon if you get good stock. Not every bird will be this big from anyone's stock... I bought eggs from 4 breeders to get the biggest birds... That was a year ago and I now have breeders from JJ. Most of mine are over 18 oz now. They have lots of tude at this size. Some bite for fun... Butlers are not a quick for the table bird, but they second to none on the table.... Bill

Edit To Add: There is nuthin more impressive that a pen full of huge Bobs... It rare to find some one not "into" quail, that's ever heard of a butler bob. Those folks always leave my pens shake'n their head with there mouth open...

Find me some 20 oz Butlers ..I will pay you a finders fee

what cha paying or is it just talk ?

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