Button Q. Trio FS in PA *On Hold*


12 Years
Jan 30, 2007
Hey Everyone!

I just went through my babies and picked out what I'd like to keep - I have a Silver quad of button quail left that I am going to sell.

$30 for the trio, I am able to ship.

They are about 5 weeks old right now.

I have decided to keep one of the little girls and it is now a trio

Thank you!
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I'll have pics up by tonight.

Marie - it would cost about $30 with box to ship them.

aw, I'm so sorry to hear that swiftfoot!! That's so sad.
Maybe you could take it as a blessing to make new and improved pens?
The latest in chicken pen technology.. haha..

LACY! My button quail are doing fantastic! Sam has named them Flash and Gordy! I have moved them into thier new larger aquarium. (With a heat source) It is a 30 tall with fake plants and a cave, they LOVE IT!!
It is right in my living room. You can see it when you walk in my front door. People love it and if they don't see it, all Flash and gordy have to do it "Hoot!"
Thanks so much for these new babies.
AW I'm SO happy to hear that!!!!
Sounds like they are S-P-O-I-L-E-D!! haha..
I bet that ARE lovin' it!! ^.^

Do you know genders yet? If not, look under their chin - if they have white feathers under their chin, they are boys, if not, they are girls.

OMG, I can't wait to get my eggs this week and see if I can hatch some of those beauties. How old are those in your hands? Absolutely beautiful! Wish I could afford to get them shipped to me but I better try the eggs for now.

Hey Marie!

Good luck with your eggs! They are SO fun to hatch!!!

They are about 5 weeks old right now and just Sweeties!!
I hold them all the time so they are really tame! =]

I couldn't figure out how to take good pics of them so I had my sister hold them - she loves 'em :0)


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