Button Quail Behaviour Questions


Jun 23, 2020
London, UK
I'm totally new to birds, and thought it would be interesting to know what certain things mean when my buttons do them! I'm hoping I can add to this thread as I notice new noises or behaviours, and see if anyone else with buttons (or perhaps all birds/quail do the same) knows what's going on. For context, I currently have six 6-week old birds together, but will separate into pairs as soon as I can tell who likes each other (or if they start squabbling).

1. The first thing is when sometimes they flatten themselves on the ground suddenly and look upwards with their head to the side, doing a few long, rapid chirps, almost like a guinea pig. I thought perhaps it was hens being submissive to roos, but I've seen my boys do it too.

2. Another is them holding some food and doing a "chip chip chip" noise briefly, I thought perhaps it was roos offering treats to hens, but they seem to gobble it up themselves after a couple of seconds without really trying to give it away.

3. I also have a hollowed out half log that's just large enough for them to run through, but they flat out refuse to go in it (but love standing on top), preferring to flush rather than hide if they get scared. They also have plenty of artificial plants and a platform to hide under. Will they prefer hiding to flying when they get a bit older? Any ideas why they might not want to go inside the hide? They even sleep puddled right out in the open instead of in any of the hidden spots.

This is more curiosity and wanting to understand my birds better, rather than any urgent questions, so all opinions are appreciated!
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I have a pair of kings (hopefully getting some more when they hatch out chicks this spring) and I don’t really know what number 1 is... sorry. Number two though is something my quails will always do. You’re right in saying that when the males are chirping it’s for the females to come over. Most of the time my male is a gentleman and gives the food to her but sometimes if she’s lazy or just refusing to come he’ll gobble it up. He’ll also gobble it up sometimes when he’s just trying to get her to come because he wants her with him.
I don’t have a hollowed out log but I do have this (washed out) ice-cream container that I put in because one of my friends had one with their quails and they seemed to like it and go broody in it. However, my quails don’t really like it. My male will go in there occasionally but not for long and my female will stand in the entrance but won’t really go in. But they both LOVE to jump on top of it and sit together or poo on it. (Sometimes I think they’re trying to tease me but I will always love them).
Hopefully this helps. 😊
1. Yes, they do this as a submissive thing.

2. This is males trying to feed females. They sometimes get impatient and eat it themselves. I have some always wait for the females though.

3. I have used upside-down ice-cream containers for mine. As @Quaicken108 said, they've even gone broody in them. I do have this really cute hut for some of them, but they've never gone inside (on top, that's a different story). It's probably because they don't want to feel trapped in a tight space.
Thanks for both your answers!

But they both LOVE to jump on top of it and sit together or poo on it. (Sometimes I think they’re trying to tease me but I will always love them).
Haha yes! I think their passion is definitely pooing on things. Good to know about them offering food, I think mine are still getting the hang of things being young and have no patience.

I do have this really cute hut for some of them, but they've never gone inside (on top, that's a different story). It's probably because they don't want to feel trapped in a tight space.
I think you must be right about feeling trapped, I thought they'd be okay as it has two entrances, and they used to sit under a much lower cuddly toy all the time, but perhaps I should try raising it a bit, or maybe give the ice cream tub a go.

Does anyone know when they might start pairing up? I know I have 3 males and suspect 1 female, 2 are mysteries but I'm crossing my fingers for females. I was hoping to let them choose their own mates but I think it's not fair to keep so many together for much longer, so I might have to pick for them if they don't show any signs in the next few weeks.
Thanks for both your answers!

Haha yes! I think their passion is definitely pooing on things. Good to know about them offering food, I think mine are still getting the hang of things being young and have no patience.

I think you must be right about feeling trapped, I thought they'd be okay as it has two entrances, and they used to sit under a much lower cuddly toy all the time, but perhaps I should try raising it a bit, or maybe give the ice cream tub a go.

Does anyone know when they might start pairing up? I know I have 3 males and suspect 1 female, 2 are mysteries but I'm crossing my fingers for females. I was hoping to let them choose their own mates but I think it's not fair to keep so many together for much longer, so I might have to pick for them if they don't show any signs in the next few weeks.

I also like the idea of letting them choose their own mates. Has there been any bullying yet? Have you noticed any 'friend groups'?
Yeah, I think I will wait and see what happens, I just feel a bit bad as there are 6 of them in 4.6sqft of space at the moment. I have a large box ready to set up in case of any problems though.

The only issue at the moment is one particular bird who insists on jumping up against the netting every so often for the last few nights. She's totally calm in the day and it doesn't seem like a panic thing. We've tried lights on, off, dimmed, covering the enclosure entirely, nothing seems to make much difference.
Well there's been a couple of developments and it looks like we have our first pair :love They've been hanging out a lot and I'm sure I've seen them mating a couple of times.

What's concerning me now (along with the weird night jumping) is that they have all been doing fairly small, dry poops for a while. As soon as one does a more normal consistency poop, they all run over and immediately eat it. Could it be a sign they're not getting the right nutrients or enough liquids? They always have fresh water and nobody seems bullied away from it.
Well there's been a couple of developments and it looks like we have our first pair :love They've been hanging out a lot and I'm sure I've seen them mating a couple of times.

What's concerning me now (along with the weird night jumping) is that they have all been doing fairly small, dry poops for a while. As soon as one does a more normal consistency poop, they all run over and immediately eat it. Could it be a sign they're not getting the right nutrients or enough liquids? They always have fresh water and nobody seems bullied away from it.
Yay! 😁 Which two are the pair may I ask? Night jumping as you put in brackets isn’t that odd, mine do majority of their mating in the evening times. Also maybe you could post a picture of the poo and is it just the pair with the odd poo or are there others?

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