button quails laying more eggs

Sians quails

In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 11, 2012
OK so my button quail layed 9 eggs and then sat on them for 5 days and gave up, this time I'm going to take the eggs off her and incubate them myself as I am giving away the quail pair but i do want to raise some bumble bee sized quail.
My neighbor who has been breeding Quail for years told me to take the fertilized Coturnix eggs and put them in the fridge pointy end down and rotate every 2 days. My question is.. is this the same for CPQ's? He isn't home this week so I cannot ask him.
I only have one button egg but hopefully another by the time I get home today :)
Button quail eggs are very sensitive to temperature change and temp extremes because of their small size. Keep them in a cool room and turn them twice a day. Large end up or sideways.
OK thanks i wont put them in the fridge i will leave them inside, turning them, until I'm ready to incubate a clutch. do you know how many days I can go before putting them in the incubator?
So I kept my eggs for 7 days and then put them in the incubator. One egg has now started to hatch... only it pipped about 8-10 hours ago (that I noticed) and hasn't broken through any more.. how long would it normally take for a button quail to break all the way out.
I've hatched 2 Japanese ones and they were out by the morning when I noticed them started to hatch before I went to bed.

9 eggs waiting to hatch! Getting excited! Fingers crossed they all do.
Sometimes it seems like forever! I have some button quail eggs in the bator now. It is day 16 and I just noticed a pip a couple hours ago. But it doesn't seem to have changed since then.
Hopefully the real action will get going tomorrow!
My egg that had pipped still hasn't done any more so I think its safe to say I lost that one.. none of the others have started to hatch. I am still turning some others in there so maybe the opening and closing has done them no good.
We live and learn I guess
You are not suppose to turn them the last 3 days before day 16 and yea that openign and closing of the incubator shrinked them so you might not hatch a lot i have currently like 136 eggs in my incubator but i have an auto-matic turner
I am hoping to get a better incubator soon! I haven't been turning them but I have the second "batch" my hen just kept on laying.. so I will probably just leave them in there until the 2nd lot stop getting turned and if none still hatch :( then I will bury them with all the others that haven't.

So I have never heard of the shrinking..what is it?
shrinking is when the membrane in the egg shell dries out and sticks to the chick keeping him from hatching. this is why it is important to keep your humidity up in the incubator at least to 60%. hope this helps. good luck on your hatch.

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