BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

every 1 star review on google, and there are lots of them mention they all have the same respiratory illness and a lot of owners had to cull their entire flock as a result. Another pseon paid £800 for 12 chckens they said and then they had to kill their whole flock! That is terrible. She looks like the twin sister of my old neighbour and behaves just like him too. The slighly shocking thing is she still has an average review score of 3.5! If that were a movie it wuold be above average but her business sounds like a train wreck.
Holy cluck. 1) Her website is like a box of crayons vomited and a toddler used the crayon vomit to write basic 90s HTML coding.

2) She writes:
"Fact: 90% of ALL chicks are carriers of Mycoplasma. (MG/MS) This is a known fact in poultry hatcheries."
So she clearly knows her birds have mycoplasma, and tries to make novices think this is normal to lose most of their flock to illness.

3) She also has an entire page dedicated to claiming all of the one-star reviews are fake. <---- so cringeworthy!

Red flags. Red flags everywhere!

Any chance you reported your experiences to the Better Business Bureau? They actually do address complaints. I would also consider reporting her to the Texas Animal Health Commission. Trust me, local government entities such as this WILL take these complaints seriously!!

I would write a report myself, but fortunately I have never dealt with her, so I don't feel it is appropriate to do so.
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