BY noob in WNC


May 16, 2015
Western NC
Hey guys!

I'm not new to chickens, but this is my first PERSONAL backyard flock, and I'm really excited to join this awesome community! I'm looking forward to sharing, and have already sourced some great ideas from your other posts!

Thanks for hosting me! I look forward to meeting you all and your feathered friends!
This is our red star, Lamp. There's a long story with their names that involves a lazy 5 year old...
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join our flock. Where did you get Lamp from? Red Star is normally one of a number of different labels used by hatcheries to market their Red Sex Links. Red Sex Link (Red Star) hens are reddish with white underfluff and white tail feathers, and Red Sex Link (Red Star) roosters are almost totally white with a few reddish feathers in the saddle area. You can see the picture of the Red Star rooster and hen below as an example. Your bird looks like a Production Red rather than a Red Sex Link (Red Star) so I'm thinking someone sold you a mislabeled chicken. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with Lamp.

Red Star rooster (

Red Star hen (
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Thanks for the welcome mat! And thank you for the pictures. The hen in your picture looks like Lamp's dearly departed sister, Door. I purchased them as 3 days old chicks labeled red star, but I'm sure they are pretty muttly! The young man selling them seemed the victim of confused breeding, also. :)

Door was mostly white under her wings and back area (unfortunately she died before filling out much). But Lamp even has some black accent feathers through the wings. I'm not altogether familiar with chickens breeds outside of the Rhodes and Wyandottes I've cared for. What would you call Lamp?
Oh yep, caught it this time! Thanks!

We're looking forward to her laying, so hopefully she lives up to her name! She'll be 12 weeks on Monday!

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