hamster houses have more than one use!!!!
He has great instincts. What is a Jake?
The Jakes are young male turkeys. I have 8 Jakes left from my original flock of 23 poults. We had a cocci outbreak when they turned 6 weeks, I lost 5 and the 5 I had sold just before I discovered the outbreak died also. The remainder made a great recovery and I rehomed the Jennys and a couple of toms.
The 8 Jakes are brats!
The Jakes are young male turkeys. I have 8 Jakes left from my original flock of 23 poults. We had a cocci outbreak when they turned 6 weeks, I lost 5 and the 5 I had sold just before I discovered the outbreak died also. The remainder made a great recovery and I rehomed the Jennys and a couple of toms.
The 8 Jakes are brats!
Thanks for explaining that. I'd never heard of young turkeys being called Jakes and Jennys before. It's cute.

I am sorry about that awful outbreak. Poor birds. I am glad the rest made a great recovery.

How are the 8 Jakes brats? That is kind of funny and cute.
Tom is an adult male turkey.
Jake is a young male turkey.
Hen is an adult female turkey.
Jenny is a young female turkey.

I only know this because my husband is a hunter and tells me what he sees when he goes hunting, and I always ask tons of questions cause I'm a city girl and not familiar with things of this nature. Well, I am getting better after having been in the country for 9 yrs

Edited to be more thorough as well as to fix spelling.. it's early
I had no idea. I had heard of males being called Toms before. What I find interesting is how between the different species of birds the names for the males and females are different. I have two super tiny zebra finches and of course the male is the cock and the female is the hen. I know you'd be familiar with that but rather than the reference for him I call him my little rooster because he has a super cute series of beeps and chirps that only the male z finches have.

Thank you for the breakdown and the editing (teehee).
I had no idea. I had heard of males being called Toms before. What I find interesting is how between the different species of birds the names for the males and females are different. I have two super tiny zebra finches and of course the male is the cock and the female is the hen. I know you'd be familiar with that but rather than the reference for him I call him my little rooster because he has a super cute series of beeps and chirps that only the male z finches have.

Thank you for the breakdown and the editing (teehee).

It would be fun to see a picture of your little finches if you care to share!

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