Investigating BYC Being Slow

Having problems here too with stuff loading slow, wheels spinning so to speak.
It comes and goes over the last few days.
Thought it was my computer or ISP, but I guess not.
Win7 and chrome.
BYC is the only site that has been doing this slow down thing for me, all the others are fine. Sporadically, not always, it won't load, or if it does, it won't go to next page, or let me post reply. It gets stuck. I just shut it down and go do other stuff. I probably use BYC a third of the time I used to.
And if this anomaly has anything to do w the annoying ads, then it follows that our reactions are being carefully tracked. So if enough people decide to shut it off and go work/play with their chickens instead, then this will be noted and hopefully adjusted.
I'm seeing a trend here... The majority of you have problems are in the midwest, yes?
Very slow and freezing up when on cellular data for me. Not as bad on Wi-Fi. Been like this for a couple days.

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