BYC Contest - Waterers & Feeders - Win $20 Store Gift Cert. Ended

I remember back in the late 60's or early 1970's in Panama City Beach, Florida, at the Miracle Strip Amusement Park, there were at least two different live chickens in glass cages that played pianos or rang bells or danced for a scoop of food that was automatically dropped down to them when they finished performing. If somebody could teach a poor chicken to do that, surely you could teach one to open their own feeder....
In the spirit of Christmas, in light of the ever-expanding "recession" we
are in, I give you this: 10 dollars worth of garage sale stuff. It works

This has been run down to -2F with zero freezing.
Flock might take a few days to figure it out.
Water Run could easily reach 20 feet.

Water pump rated 5 watts, 1.8 Ft head, 66 gph.
Heater120 watt bird bath immersion heater.
Use a Ground Fault circuit.
Do not run dry.

Only a few square inches of water are exposed to
the elements, this keeps the heating costs down to
pennies per day.

Thinks I will change on the next version:

Having the water lower than the coop floor allows for a
larger tank, without raising the PVC run above the reach
of small birds. It needs flashing above the PVC to prevent
birds droppings from entering the water tank.

Put your container on piece of 1" foam.
Note the drip tube (return line) submerged in water. Splashing = Ice...


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Is this contest still going on? Check this out:


Hanging baby chick feeder & waterer. I couldn't find them so I made these.

Im making this one, cute!

SOS! The link to the strawberry pot feeder is not working, I'm dying to see this setup. Can the link be restored?
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