BYC Couples

I don’t know. I don’t really pay attention to plankton that is envious of the sea that holds them. It’s beneath me.
I Am A God Reaction GIF by CBS
Look I am not going to argue just post this once. All wolf-deer was saying is lets be careful what we post, don't post inappropriate stuff because young children or even 13, 14, 15 year Olds may see it and that's not good. Regardless of them being young children or tweens or teens they don't need to see inappropriate posts on a chicken forum. Wolf isn't telling you how to parent they are telling you to please be appropriate and remember that children (young or older children) are on here even if they aren't supposed to be. Maybe mom gave her 12 year old the phone to look at BYC, just because the kid should not be on here doesn't mean it's OK to post stuff like that.
Y’all are acting like he posted porn or some stuff. It was literally just hands 😂 and yes he DID tell people how to parent and was acting like a total know it all. Stop coming onto threads just to argue. Especially dead threads. If you don’t like it stay on your own threads.
Standing Ovation Applause GIF by The Maury Show
Y’all are acting like he posted porn or some stuff. It was literally just hands 😂 and yes he DID tell people how to parent and was acting like a total know it all.
No he said people monitor their kid online. That's not telling you how to parent. Very inappropriate and suggestive movement with hands.
Stop coming onto threads just to argue. Especially dead threads. If you don’t like it stay on your own threads.
It wasn't dead when I got here

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