BYC folks picture - updated pg 18.

My ducky is not sick anymore!
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 4"
Hairstyle: parted down the middle, no bangs, long down to my waist. Brown with a little gold and red highlights in the sun
Clothes: Jeans, t-shirt, blue and white sneakers
Position: 8. Sort of...rural woods

You can include my hubby if you want :)

Gender: Male
Height: 5' 7"
Hairstyle: Brownish red, kind of long and curled at the ends - pokes out from under his hat a good several inches. Beard.
Clothes: Baseball cap (not trucker hat), jeans, long sleeve flannel shirt or a graphic T shirt from a pub or something. brown leather boots
Position: 8 . rural woods

2 dogs, but I'll spare you :)
Gender: Female
Height: 5 foot 4 inches
Hairstyle (and colour, although I still haven't decided whether I'll do colour): Dark brown, layered and feathered
Clothes: Flare Jeans, layered shirt
Position: 2
Gender: me (girl)
Height: tallish :confused:
Hairstyle: few inches below my shoulders, a bit curvy where it comes from my head to where it covers my ears.
Clothes: whatever. Probably something with a bird on it, though.
Position: Um, 7 or 8? I'm really neither city or country. I HATE cities, but like the country, but I'm more like a forest person :lol:
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OK I've done everyone now except for Woo and Symphony! Lucky last guys. :p lol jk, it's coz I was moving across the page in a strategical manner, and you guys are up the far right hand side.
(For all the people who put 7-10, over half the page is just from 7 onwards, so some of you 7/8 peeps might be a little closer to the left than you expected, but that is only because there wouldn't be enough space if I didn't do it that way!)

Oh, and I might as well add, I didn't do colour. I couldn't find any coloured pencils. I used to have bucketloads, but they all gone now. :(
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Not yet, I still have to add the background and my camera has died. X|
But I'll have it up as soon as I can find my battery charger... :p

BTW, I put you in a skirt Nix, is that all right? I thought not many of the girls were wearing skirts, and it might be nice to have a couple at least. :lol: Just say so if you want me to change it.
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