BYC Member Interview - 416bigbore

Thanks for the interview!

Chicken math can really get out of control when you start incubating eggs!

I hope you get a bigger place soon LOL....
Thank you, Yes I can see how easily that can happen from reading some of the other members posts who enjoy incubating eggs. Yes a bigger place is in the near future and adding to our flock will definitely be a must do project. :yesss:
hence my username, 416bigbore
Oh good, I thought maybe you considered yourself a very boring person!

Well I bought into it and that chicken math went from 20 to 156 when I left.
What the heck did you do with all of them? Surely you didn't have a coop and run set up for 156 birds!

I was very surprised when I was asked
Given you've gotten the BYC Friend badge in less than a year, people must think highly of you :D We clearly don't travel in the same forum areas since I've not seen you before. Nice story.

Since you have the goats have you considered joining Backyard Herds as well?
@swampfox440 Hello Mark and thank you. A one acre lake would be so amazing, I am guessing you have it stocked with fish as well? One day soon we hope to find something larger and if by chance it doesn't have a creek or small pond on it, I will be digging a big enough hole to fill will water to keep all our ducks happy. Ducks sure do lover their water and are fun to watch.:)

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