BYC Member Interview - JaeG

All it would take would be a move to the country (pheasants aren't allowed where we are at present) and I'm in! What is it about birds that's so addictive?
Well, unlike people, they don't talk back, their antics make you laugh, their beauty brings a smile to your face, and they always listen to what you have to say!;)
Great interview. :clap Thanks for sharing. I love the name Hawkmoth. Is there a story behind that name? :pop

The kids watch a programme called "Miraculous Ladybug" and Hawkmoth is the bad guy. Despite that it's a pretty cool name so it kind of stuck. She was the funniest looking baby:
Hawkmoth as a baby.jpg
unfortunately i think she is carrying a leathal gene. she isn't even one year old yet and she has gone broody around ten times. her chicks always fully develop and then die before the hatch. i know it is not her doing anything wrong. i monater her very closely and she does all the right stuff.

Poor girl! Have you got another hen you could 'borrow' eggs from to put under her to give her some success? I don't suppose you can get just a small number of hatching eggs to pop under her. She obviously desperately wants to be a mother. :(
Wow, it took this long for me to find your interview. I am not good with computers and stuff. But I did find you :weeI just can't get over your patience and light touch to handle and hand feed such tiny babies. You must be one-of-a-kind Jae and I'm so glad you are roosting at Backyard chickens.:yesss:

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