BYC Member Interview - SueT

Come say hello to @SueT!

Sue has been a member since May 2015 and comes to us from Missouri.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself.
I am 69, and live w my husband on the farm where he grew up, along a dusty lane here in rural SW MO. It is quiet and tranquil, wide open spaces, beautiful sunrises, big rainbows, occasional tornadoes etc. We were planning to leave after his folks died a decade ago, to move out West where our kids/grandkids are, but we didn’t get around to it. We stayed, and now one daughter is moving here from the big city. Suddenly this seems like a very good place to be in uncertain times. I guess you’d say we are retired, at least for now. (I assume nothing any more.) We have our hands full taking care of/restoring a 100 yr old house, maintaining 60 acres, cutting firewood, growing too much zucchini etc…and of course raising CHICKENS!

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2. Why and when did you start keeping chickens? (or any other poultry you have)
Before chickens, there were guineas. We got them for tick control, and they lived free in the trees. They were like the expendable characters in a movie. We’d lose a few, raise a few more. I didn’t know about BYC. In 2015, we converted a shed into a coop, and my chicken obsession began. I wanted fresh eggs, and feather friends. But like many of you, I had no idea that I was entering a remarkable new Universe.

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3. Which aspects of poultry keeping do you enjoy the most?
I enjoy everything about keeping chickens! Raising them, caring for them, watching them, building stuff for them, hanging out with them, reading about chickens, writing about chickens, photographing chickens, drawing chickens, entering chicken contests on BYC, baking chicken shaped cookies, making chicken crafts, etc etc etc etc. You know. Finding hundreds (thousands?) of kindred spirits on BYC has been a big bonus.

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4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?
I have had 11 different breeds of chickens, just a few at a time, each individual named, loved, and pampered to varying extents. My very favorite chicken of all is Moonshine, a little 3 yr old Sebright hen. She is outspoken and opinionated, like many of her breed. I have trained her to fly onto my arm like a falcon. I have dressed her up for Halloween and Christmas. She will basically do anything for sunflower seeds…I love her to pieces.

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In 2018 I got my first Appenzeller Spitzhaubens and fell in love w this breed. This is Beldar, our Spitzhauben rooster, who so far, is everything I’d want a rooster to be, polite to humans, good with the hens, indulgent to his offspring. He’s a keeper.

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I am now on the 4th generation of Spitzhaubens, thanks to Moonshine’s compulsive broody skills. She has no problem sitting on big eggs, and happily raises babies that quickly outgrow her. This year she and I have raised some 'designer' chicks, a Spitzhauben-Sebright cross I abbreviate to 'Sprights. ' I hatched some in the incubator while she hatched a batch of Sprights too. Yes we included some Spitzhauben eggs in there too. The resulting mix looks quite striking, with both spangles and lacing and tiny crests. They are intelligent, delightful, and quirky. We have yet to see if they will be everything I hoped—good layers, medium size, good moms etc. With the 6 of these youngsters that I kept, and 2 Spitzhauben pullets, I have now more than doubled my flock. Spright pullets:

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Spright cockerel, R2d2, hatched on Star Wars day, May the 4th (be with you)

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5. What was the funniest poultry related thing that has happened to you in your years as an owner?
So much of what the chickens do is delightful and funny. Not a day goes by that I don’t laugh at their antics. I enjoy making memes and cartoons of them.
The following happened yesterday, when all the hens were arguing over one nest and Beldar walked away exasperated, with a loud exclamation:

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a couple more

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6. Beside poultry, what other pets do you keep?
There are currently 2 spoiled cats, who dislike each other but both love the chickens. Daughter is bringing 2 little dogs and another cat. Soon. It will be an adventure.

7. Anything you'd like to add?
BYC, with so many varied and diverse members, has played a significant role in a burgeoning world-wide chicken keeping movement. We have the pundits and experts, the professionals , the amateurs and beginners, people from all walks of life, etc who gladly share their knowledge and wisdom; who keep our spirits up in so many ways. They inspire, inform, advise, challenge, cajole, sympathize, comfort, entertain, enable—the list goes on and on, Newcomers are warmly welcomed and patiently guided no matter how many times a particular question has been asked. In my opinion, BYC and its members are saving the world, one chicken at a time……thank you to ALL of you!


For more information about the interview feature and a complete list of member interviews:
Thank you Sue, you did an excellent interview and I loved all your pictures. Yes, Chickens make this world a happier place. It's the little things in life that make me happy, like chickens.

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