BYC members in Massachusetts?

Hey! I'm from springfield too! No chickens...yet. But I am hatching some cute little button quail...they're house pets, so I won't get in trouble. I'm thinking about talking to my neighbors to see if they would have a problem with my having a couple hens, for eggs (maybe if I shared!). I have about a third of an acre, and the back yard is sort of private.

Anyways, nice to meet someone else from Springfield!

(and i'm elizabeth!)
Hi neighbors! I'm in western MA. (Holland), I border our friend, ChickensInTheNorthWoods in Connecticut. I saw the artical in the telegram and gazette that Kait27 was asking about. Loved the article, and agreed with it 100%. I just have one many people in MA have Rhode Island Reds or New Hampshire Reds??? Keep the Reds popular!!!!
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Wow! So many Mass people! I am in Central Mass-Ashby, great little rural town. I recently have gotten chickens and I love this site! I have learned so much.
Looks like I am one of many from central mass! I have 2 Isa Browns, 4 EE, 2 Australorps and an unknown rooster named Napoleon aka pecky LOL
I have heard the reds are not so nice, is that true?
Hi I am brandie new and in Southeastern MA. I have got 11 chickens and I am loving my new hobby. Although , yes I have to admit it is certainly becoming more than a hobby. I am like a new mom who can sit for an hour just watching them. Am I crazy?
Hi to the MA members. To answer NatalieB's question about Reds, my own experience has been great. I love my Reds and they are very friendly, not mean at all. I don't know what other Red owners have experienced. And to ahappybrood, you're not crazy! Chickens are so much fun and they are great to have around. We let ours free range during the day and they do a wonderful job keeping the bugs under control. The poop is good for our garden, they give us eggs daily and a lot of laughs. What's not to love! They are like little kids, just with feathers!
Well then I might need to reconsider the reds since I know they are great layers. My husband might give me divorce papers if I indulge in "just one more chicken". LOL I watch my chickens all the time! I have 2 small kids, 2 dogs, 3 cats and watching them is my getaway. So NO you are not crazy! LOL
I love the new mom analogy. I think that to myself all the time! I could not bear to put my first baby down! Now I can look at my chickens all day! I also find it hard to put them down if they jump up on me.

Yes, I am very happy with my Red's. I actually bought them in Rhode Island, too! I also have Barred Plymouth Rocks, another local breed.

Where in southeastern mass are you?(Please do not answer if you are a minor; listen to your parents and don't give out info on the internet!)
I am in Somerset. Chickens are legal here! Yay!

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