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PatQ great job with that coop! We have a similar one but it's a prefab we ordered online and made some modifications on it. I already wish it were a little bigger but it's working out fine. Thanks all for the tips on the Silkies. I am thinking of putting another coop/run in the future and getting a few of them. Don't know if I will order chicks or try to get them a 2-3 months old somewhere. Not sure what I am going to do after today. We lost one of our hens this morning and we only had them for a month. Hopefully the remaining two will be fine, they seem to be. We think it was something genetic and not a disease. She was always the runt, didn't seem to grow much or each much, and was not that active. The other two are active, eat like pigs and are very alert and getting big! I don't think I want to get another one.

Our coop and run area. Still a work in progress. We added another door on the bottom end of the run that goes under the coop so I can access it for cleaning, food/water. We also made the ramp removable so I can take it out of the way for cleaning. The poles are being covered tomorrow with aviary netting so the girls can have a safe, larger space to roam. We also put a thick coat of water seal and used silicone caulking on the roof. So far so good, we had rain for 4 days last week, some heavy and it was fine. The coop was nice and dry. All of the ideas I got from this website, lots of good info on here and pictures. Thanks to all the people that share them.
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All of my chickens are cold hardy too. I am digging up my yard to level it soon, so I'll probably run conduit to the coop. I'll probably have a thermostatic electrical outlet in there just incase I decide to heat it. I will need a heated waterer, though. I don't want to have to deal with their water freezing. I'm also thinking of putting a motion-detecting spotlight on the coop so I'll have light if I am out there at night and to help scare predators away ( back yard is woods and there are all kinds of critters who would love a chicken dinner)
Thank you Danib :)
The biggest thing I've ever built prior to this is a small bookcase, so a coop was a real stretch! I just focused on one little part at a time which kept me from freaking out!

No - not planning on electricity - all my chickens are cold tolerant so won't need heat and at this point I'm not planning on extra light in the winter. If I change my mind, we can always run an extension cord I guess.....or run elect. out there - I actually have no idea what I'll do once winter hits!
very lovely coop-- your girls will love it!!
You might concider solar lighting in the winter. OUr winter light seems to be too short to trigger laying without it. THe pullets seem to produce the best in winter without lights. THe older girls love the light to get producing.
Gorgeous coop - ours is almost done but pullets arriving the week of June 3. We too have not decided on electricity as of yet. I am very impressed- I usually have the "ideas" and my husband builds. This week roof, floor, and roost in outdoor run for our coop. Did you us cedar for the wood? It looks lovely.
Pretty coop! I still need to finish insulating mine, and get the latch on the run door before my girls can go outside. Haven't even thought about how I'm going to plug a heated water bowl in in the winter yet, will probably run an extension cord from the garage - way easier than trying to run electric!

I do have a chicken question for folks in the Metro West/Framingham area - where can I find somewhere that sells chicken feed, preferably less than a 45 minute drive? Currently I've been picking up all my chicken supplies at the TSC in central CT when I go to visit family, but it'd be nice to actually find somewhere local to get everything they need. A google search hasn't been very productive - seems just all horse feed/supply places, no general farm stores.
I had thought of solar power Arielle - will look into that!
My current plan is no lighting in the winter, but who knows what I'll actually do - maybe a lighting in fall/early winter - then gradual increase starting in January? I'll just wait and see how it goes.
swschick - I used pine tongue and groove then put sealant on the outside (did this yesterday!) - I think it should hold up pretty well - at least I hope so! All I have left to do is put up some perches and do a little chicken coop landscaping - then DONE :)))

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