BYC members in Massachusetts?


It turns out at least one of the eight young pullets we bought are roos. I think there are two or even three.



We can't keep them. I've contacted a dozen farms & sanctuaries in the NE area. I've received a few replies but they've all been negative.

Does anyone need a rooster? We might have at least three young ones that we can't keep. But definitely one so far, Rhode Island Red approx 5 months old.
We have Rhode Island Reds & Leghorns in this coop with our Red Roo Luke. Our other Red Roo, Bo, has Barred Rocks & Ameracaunas.

Here are better pictures of the young chickens, I think we have a red roo, a leghorn roo & a TBD.





We can't keep them. I've contacted a dozen farms & sanctuaries in the NE area. I've received a few replies but they've all been negative.

Does anyone need a rooster? We might have at least three young ones that we can't keep. But definitely one so far, Rhode Island Red approx 5 months old.
I see 4 males in this picture, the older one and 3 young ones.

Tom Doherty in Westford MA takes excess birds of any kind, if you are unable to find other options.
Here are a bunch of pics of the 8 younger chickens along with Luke our older RI Red roo. I think we have at least three younger roos, 2 Reds & 1 Leghorn. At least. We shall see! Thanks for everyone's help with how to deal with this sitch. I love BYC!


Here are a bunch of pics of the 8 younger chickens along with Luke our older RI Red roo. I think we have at least three younger roos, 2 Reds & 1 Leghorn. At least. We shall see! Thanks for everyone's help with how to deal with this sitch. I love BYC!

I see 4 males in the above picture. The one at the end of the ramp, the red and white one to the left, and the 2 behind the red and white pullet to the right.

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