BYC members in Massachusetts?

VERY CLOSE CALL WITH A FOX JUST A COUPLE MINUTES AGO! He was almost clearing the pen which is about 6', where the girls were freaking out. No damage on the ladies just a little petrified very thankful we didn't loose any :)
Anybody have experience with The Odd Pet Vet? The exam prices seem reasonable and over 3 is actually really cheap so i was thinking of taking the chickens in for a check up, figure it couldn't hurt.

Also anyone know of any good livestock vets? Really really want to get goats and I want to start looking in advance. Also are they expensive to keep? I'm hoping they aren't and/or that I can fimd a cheap but good vet. I know it probably varies a lot by area but I'd like to know, for example, how muchare vaccinations, check ups, etc.? And do most vets do farm calls or should I go there? Is it more for a farm call or included? And I've watched a lot of videos on hoof trimming and it seems pretty easy, definitely a lot easier than horses and wouldn't need farrier training, but I don't know, do vets do that? Is it reasonable? And for the record I've never actually trimmed a horses foot, just picked them, but that's my point, horse feet are complicated and a harder material right?

Made a thread a while ago and got some great answers on diet, gender, and that stuff but never really asked or got answers on the vet stuff.
Anybody have experience with The Odd Pet Vet? The exam prices seem reasonable and over 3 is actually really cheap so i was thinking of taking the chickens in for a check up, figure it couldn't hurt.

Also anyone know of any good livestock vets? Really really want to get goats and I want to start looking in advance. Also are they expensive to keep? I'm hoping they aren't and/or that I can fimd a cheap but good vet. I know it probably varies a lot by area but I'd like to know, for example, how muchare vaccinations, check ups, etc.? And do most vets do farm calls or should I go there? Is it more for a farm call or included? And I've watched a lot of videos on hoof trimming and it seems pretty easy, definitely a lot easier than horses and wouldn't need farrier training, but I don't know, do vets do that? Is it reasonable? And for the record I've never actually trimmed a horses foot, just picked them, but that's my point, horse feet are complicated and a harder material right?

Made a thread a while ago and got some great answers on diet, gender, and that stuff but never really asked or got answers on the vet stuff.

I can't help with the goat stuff even though I raised them when I was younger...never had a vet come out. Tufts offers an ambulatory service, and some practices are "mixed" so they will see large animals. They usually charge a farm call- which is why horse people would share a visit and have multiple horses seen on each call to save $$. But from what I remember, goats in general were not expensive. You need a secure enclosure because they are escape artists, a place for them to get out of the cold/rain (mine had a raised dog house), and hay and grain.

A bunch of other people on here currently have goats- so they are probably able to offer more help than I can....

Is the Odd Pet Vet Dr Mertz?? I had heard mixed reviews. I hear he is good with reptiles though.

Where are you located? I would STRONGLY recommend making the ride to either Northpaws Veterinary Center to see Dr Stephen Dyer (He is board-certified in avian medicine) or go to All Creatures in Salem to see Dr Jacqueline Warner. I have worked with both of these vets, and I currently bring my birds to Dr Dyer. And remember that you get what you pay for- so don't choose a hospital based on cost.

I am a vet tech...and it is a small community, so I can give you insight on some hospitals here and there.
I can't help with the goat stuff even though I raised them when I was younger...never had a vet come out. Tufts offers an ambulatory service, and some practices are "mixed" so they will see large animals. They usually charge a farm call- which is why horse people would share a visit and have multiple horses seen on each call to save $$. But from what I remember, goats in general were not expensive. You need a secure enclosure because they are escape artists, a place for them to get out of the cold/rain (mine had a raised dog house), and hay and grain. 

A bunch of other people on here currently have goats- so they are probably able to offer more help than I can....

Is the Odd Pet Vet Dr Mertz?? I had heard mixed reviews. I hear he is good with reptiles though. 

Where are you located? I would STRONGLY recommend making the ride to either Northpaws Veterinary Center to see Dr Stephen Dyer (He is board-certified in avian medicine) or go to All Creatures in Salem to see Dr Jacqueline Warner. I have worked with both of these vets, and I currently bring my birds to Dr Dyer. And remember that you get what you pay for- so don't choose a hospital based on cost. 

I am a vet tech...and it is a small community, so I can give you insight on some hospitals here and there. 

Thank you so much! Good to know goats in general aren't too expensive :) so did you do vaccines yourself then or?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's Dr Mertz!! Guess if I ever get reptiles I know where to go and will perhaps find somewhere else for my birds lol the Google reviews seemed good but most of them are for reptiles.

I will look into those vets! Some seem a bit far though but I guess we wouldn't be going often. We are between Boston and Cape Cod on the south shore. In Duxbury, next to Kingston, Plymouth, etc. Duxbury, Kingston, Plymouth, Carver, Halifax, Hanover, Plympton, Pembroke, etc. Are all fairly close and Weymouth is doable too and the cape. that region. I'd prefer one within maybe like an hour or could come here but I recognize that there are not many bird vets so I may have to go further. Hopefully there are more goat vets? That is true about the cost thing though. I don't mind paying more, just more not ridiculous haha

That's great to know! Thank you! It can get confusing
Hey Everyone I am new to BackYard Chickens Forum and actual backyard raising etc. I am located in Brockton, MA and I am looking for a good place to purchase hens ( chicks, maybe a few days old) and also breeds that due well in our climate and are family friendly and good egg layers.

If anyone could help point me in the right direction that would be awesome I have a few breeds in mind already as well from reading around.

I am pretty excited for this adventure and I know this will be a great place to get more information.
Hey Everyone I am new to BackYard Chickens Forum and actual backyard raising etc.  I am located in Brockton, MA and I am looking for a good place to purchase hens ( chicks, maybe a few days old) and also breeds that due well in our climate and are family friendly and good egg layers.

If anyone could help point me in the right direction that would be awesome I have a few breeds in mind already as well from reading around.

I am pretty excited for this adventure and I know this will be a great place to get more information.

I got my day old chicks at Ventura Grain in Taunton. They offer a very good variety, go to their website and check their chicken calender to see what breeds will be coming in on what dates.
Hey Everyone I am new to BackYard Chickens Forum and actual backyard raising etc. I am located in Brockton, MA and I am looking for a good place to purchase hens ( chicks, maybe a few days old) and also breeds that due well in our climate and are family friendly and good egg layers.

If anyone could help point me in the right direction that would be awesome I have a few breeds in mind already as well from reading around.

I am pretty excited for this adventure and I know this will be a great place to get more information.

Its a little bit of a drive for you out in Brockton, but I'm getting my chicks from a lovely local place called the "Essex County Cooperative" in Topsfield, MA (its on [COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588)]146 S Main St). This year they have buff orpingtons, araucanas, black australorps, barred rocks, and speckled sussex. They also sell feed at a really reasonable price. This is their facebook page:[/COLOR]

Good luck with your flock!

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