BYC members in Massachusetts?

Quote: Do you know what color Ameraucanas he has available? I have BBlSp and Wheaten and like to know what is available in the area. Cant seem to help wanting more, have a few colors on my list.
No problem! And yes I definitely do
I tried to get different breeds so I could see which ones I liked and also tried to pick friendly, winter hardy ones. Because of that, I kind of ended up with more common breeds but I hope to add some more rare breeds/color varieties eventually

I actually got my birds from Meyer Hatchery! They're my first chickens and I've been happy so far

Oh and I'm near like Kingston, Plymouth, etc.

Funny and small world, while in my Retail Management yrs I worked at Independence Mall in Kingston.. Very similar to Dartmouth also...
Is that the same Twin Cedar that replied above? :)

Hi Kdogg, that's us :)
We are currently breeding FBCM (Little Peddler), Cream Legbar, Silkies, Heritage RI Reds and Barred Rocks, Polish, Serama and Swedish Flower.
A big THANK YOU to everyone for the kind words on here.
Great to see some friends here ; @ Merrymouse and AmandaKyle
I definitely agree with the comments on Shamrock in Mendon. Jim does a great job with his birds!
Hope everyone is enjoying this amazing weather! Nothing beats New England in the Springtime (well, except maybe New England in the Fall)
Hi Kdogg, that's us

We are currently breeding FBCM (Little Peddler), Cream Legbar, Silkies, Heritage RI Reds and Barred Rocks, Polish, Serama and Swedish Flower.
A big THANK YOU to everyone for the kind words on here.
Great to see some friends here ; @ Merrymouse and AmandaKyle
I definitely agree with the comments on Shamrock in Mendon. Jim does a great job with his birds!
Hope everyone is enjoying this amazing weather! Nothing beats New England in the Springtime (well, except maybe New England in the Fall)

You guys are so great! All of the birds I have gotten from you have been very healthy, and you raise such great breeds! Our FBCM roo that we got from you is SO mild mannered. He has never even looked at anyone the wrong way. I was nervous about keeping a rooster, but he's been the best possible roo we could have ended up with. The only downside to him is that the hens beat him up something awful! He sort of always looks like he's molting! He gets the job done though, I have 5 fertiles in the bator set to hatch tomorrow and he's the proud daddy! I also have an FBCM hen that I got from someone else. She's from a Bev Davis line, so we'll see how that chick hatches out!
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Wow! Thank you all for the great information, still amazes me how helpful people have been on here!

Update: I have found chickens! Not exactly what I was hoping for but they are nice home bred beauties in RI and I'm picking them all up this Friday. Hooray! With a few contacts you all have graciously provided and with a little more digging on my own did the trick!

Now a potential new issue...The chicks I'm getting will be straight run and I'm hoping to find someone local to take any unwanted roosters I might have. Anyone?

Also, any advice on how many I should buy? My town allows for 6 hens only. I'm buying 2 sexed polish so that shouldn't be an issue. But the rest will be straight run black and blue ameraucanas. I'd like a flock of 6, maybe 7 total including the 2 polish(Who will know? Don't tell on me) and I'm assuming I'll have some Roos in the group. So how many ameraucanas should I buy in order to achieve the 6-7 flock size? And most importantly will anyone take my Roos if I get some? If you're interested PM me and I'll give you the farm name, there's a website and you can see pics of his flock. He only breeds 2 types and they are stunning birds imo.

Merrymouse, we are neighbors I'm in Grafton!
Wow! Thank you all for the great information, still amazes me how helpful people have been on here!

Update: I have found chickens! Not exactly what I was hoping for but they are nice home bred beauties in RI and I'm picking them all up this Friday. Hooray! With a few contacts you all have graciously provided and with a little more digging on my own did the trick!

Now a potential new issue...The chicks I'm getting will be straight run and I'm hoping to find someone local to take any unwanted roosters I might have. Anyone?

Also, any advice on how many I should buy? My town allows for 6 hens only. I'm buying 2 sexed polish so that shouldn't be an issue. But the rest will be straight run black and blue ameraucanas. I'd like a flock of 6, maybe 7 total including the 2 polish(Who will know? Don't tell on me) and I'm assuming I'll have some Roos in the group. So how many ameraucanas should I buy in order to achieve the 6-7 flock size? And most importantly will anyone take my Roos if I get some? If you're interested PM me and I'll give you the farm name, there's a website and you can see pics of his flock. He only breeds 2 types and they are stunning birds imo.

Merrymouse, we are neighbors I'm in Grafton!
Ha! I am on the grafton line so we are very close! Its tough with the roosters, I would love to keep one but I probably won't. I don't want to annoy my neighbors right off the bat and invite trouble. I suspect I have 2 maybe even 4 cockerels. Bummer because one is my swedish flower who is gorgeous and one of the breeds I really wanted. So there is no real way for a newbie to sex chicks, even the experts sometimes get it wrong. There are some breeds where you can look at their wing feathers when they are day olds and tell pullets from cockerels google it or go on youtube and there are a bunch of videos showing this. You can vent sex like the hatcheries but I wouldnt recommend it. Or you can get and autosexing breed that you know by hatch color or pattern whether its a pullet or not. I have one cream legbar so I know I have at least one pullet

I have a friend that said she would take any chickens I didnt want but I doubt she will want all four cockerels if thats what I end up with. So I'll have to cross that bridge when I know how many I actually have. So to sum it up, I would get more than you want to end up with. Chicks die, or they turn out to be cockerels or whatever. I would think it would be pretty easy to give away extra pullets if you end up lucky and get all pullets but simply have too many. Hey, keep me in mind if you end up with too many. I wanted between 7 and 10 so I bought 10 and I may end up with only 6 so we'll see. Good luck neighbor! Happy to know I'm not the only one venturing into chickens nearby

I would love to know of the place you are getting your chickens. If not comfortable posting the information for some reason please send me a message
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Hi Kdogg, that's us

We are currently breeding FBCM (Little Peddler), Cream Legbar, Silkies, Heritage RI Reds and Barred Rocks, Polish, Serama and Swedish Flower.
A big THANK YOU to everyone for the kind words on here.
Great to see some friends here ; @ Merrymouse and AmandaKyle
I definitely agree with the comments on Shamrock in Mendon. Jim does a great job with his birds!
Hope everyone is enjoying this amazing weather! Nothing beats New England in the Springtime (well, except maybe New England in the Fall)
Hi, Here is the barred rock I got from you, pretty sure its a cockerel but he is so pretty I wish I could keep him. Im a newbie but I think he is pretty.
The other one I think is a pullet I got from Jim. I also think my swedish flower is a cockerel too which Im so bummed about because he/she is gorgeous too. I got a lot of very good feedback on my FBCM I got from you too on this forum. They say he/she is a beautiful well bred chick so I have my fingers crossed for a pullet. Time will tell. Ill try to take an updated picture of all the chicks I got from you and post them here later today or tomorrow. They were hardy, robust and are gorgeous. Also my CL is so cute with her little mohawk.
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Ha! I am on the grafton line so we are very close!  Its tough with the roosters, I would love to keep one but I probably won't.  I don't want to annoy my neighbors right off the bat and invite trouble.  I suspect I have 2 maybe even 4 cockerels.  Bummer because one is my swedish flower who is gorgeous and one of the breeds I really wanted. So there is no real way for a newbie to sex chicks, even the experts sometimes get it wrong.  There are some breeds where you can look at their wing feathers when they are day olds and tell pullets from cockerels google it or go on youtube and there are a bunch of videos showing this.  You can vent sex like the hatcheries but I wouldnt recommend it.  Or you can get and autosexing breed that you know by hatch color or pattern whether its a pullet or not.  I have one cream legbar so I know I have at least one pullet:D

I have a friend that said she would take any chickens I didnt want but I doubt she will want all four cockerels if thats what I end up with.  So I'll have to cross that bridge when I know how many I actually have.  So to sum it up, I would get more than you want to end up with.  Chicks die, or they turn out to be cockerels or whatever.  I would think it would be pretty easy to give away extra pullets if you end up lucky and get all pullets but simply have too many.  Hey, keep me in mind if you end up with too many.  I wanted between 7 and 10 so I bought 10 and I may end up with only 6 so we'll see.  Good luck neighbor!  Happy to know I'm not the only one venturing into chickens nearby:cd  

I would love to know of the place you are getting your chickens.  If not comfortable posting the information for some reason please send me a message

I have a call in to Twin Cedar Farm, I've been playing phone tag with them for a few weeks trying to figure out a way to coordinate everything, since they have a 3 bird minimum. and since My previous 2 guaranteed polish hens have been sold (from someone I contacted via Craigslist). :(

So with that down the tubes I'm hoping to get 2 smooth polish and a silkie from Twin Cedar. Fingers crossed. This also now posses the potential of more Roos.

But the ameraucanas are coming from Ricochet Ridge in Smithfield RI. I spoke to a lovely man by the name of Lou and I'll be heading over there Friday morning. I plan on picking out 5 blue and blacks so hopefully I'll end up with a 6-7 bird flock. His flock looks beautiful, I'm bummed all of his splash birds have sold.

So I will most definitely be searching for homes for the Roos. Shouldn't be terribly difficult I think considering they should all be pretty unique and beautiful. If I hit the pullet jackpot I'll still be looking for homes for 2-3 birds. Stay tuned.....
So I will most definitely be searching for homes for the Roos. Shouldn't be terribly difficult I think considering they should all be pretty unique and beautiful. If I hit the pullet jackpot I'll still be looking for homes for 2-3 birds. Stay tuned.....
If not there's a guy in Westford who takes any and all extra birds (cage birds to emus).

Or there are a few processors around.

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