BYC members in Massachusetts?

Hi, Here is the barred rock I got from you, pretty sure its a cockerel but he is so pretty I wish I could keep him. Im a newbie but I think he is pretty.
The other one I think is a pullet I got from Jim. I also think my swedish flower is a cockerel too which Im so bummed about because he/she is gorgeous too. I got a lot of very good feedback on my FBCM I got from you too on this forum. They say he/she is a beautiful well bred chick so I have my fingers crossed for a pullet. Time will tell. Ill try to take an updated picture of all the chicks I got from you and post them here later today or tomorrow. They were hardy, robust and are gorgeous. Also my CL is so cute with her little mohawk.
LOL at the mohawk! They are adorable!
Sexing the chicks can be so tough even as they get older. We are raising out some pullets and won't know for sure until they are about 4 months old. The problem really comes down to it being easier to identify males than it is to identify females. After we remove all the males and think we have just females, a week later more males will "show up." They lay low until the dominant cockerals are removed and then they start sprouting! Keep sending pictures though, we love them and might be able to help you tell...

I have a call in to Twin Cedar Farm, I've been playing phone tag with them for a few weeks trying to figure out a way to coordinate everything, since they have a 3 bird minimum. and since My previous 2 guaranteed polish hens have been sold (from someone I contacted via Craigslist).

So with that down the tubes I'm hoping to get 2 smooth polish and a silkie from Twin Cedar. Fingers crossed. This also now posses the potential of more Roos.

But the ameraucanas are coming from Ricochet Ridge in Smithfield RI. I spoke to a lovely man by the name of Lou and I'll be heading over there Friday morning. I plan on picking out 5 blue and blacks so hopefully I'll end up with a 6-7 bird flock. His flock looks beautiful, I'm bummed all of his splash birds have sold.

So I will most definitely be searching for homes for the Roos. Shouldn't be terribly difficult I think considering they should all be pretty unique and beautiful. If I hit the pullet jackpot I'll still be looking for homes for 2-3 birds. Stay tuned.....
Oh boy, the three chick minimum is really to avoid somebody trying to raise just one chick. We get those calls a lot around Easter and can't be too careful...
If you are raising some other chicks, we can certainly be flexible ;)
Hi, Here is the barred rock I got from you, pretty sure its a cockerel but he is so pretty I wish I could keep him. Im a newbie but I think he is pretty.
The other one I think is a pullet I got from Jim. I also think my swedish flower is a cockerel too which Im so bummed about because he/she is gorgeous too. I got a lot of very good feedback on my FBCM I got from you too on this forum. They say he/she is a beautiful well bred chick so I have my fingers crossed for a pullet. Time will tell. Ill try to take an updated picture of all the chicks I got from you and post them here later today or tomorrow. They were hardy, robust and are gorgeous. Also my CL is so cute with her little mohawk.

I got two Swedish Flowers from Twin Cedar and one was a roo. It took a VERY long time for it to be clear that he was a roo, while our FBCM was very obviously male almost from day one. Here he is at just under 4 weeks old. He was bigger than the rest and his wattles were coming in and his comb was already slightly red. He is VERY mild mannered, and he wears a No Crow collar so he doesn't bother the neighbors. If your FBCM is a roo, consider keeping him!

I think my FBCM is a pullet and a beautiful one. Here is a picture from this morning. She has a few copper colored feathers around her neck just starting she has mostly all black down as a chick and stayed that way.


Here is my Swedish flower from you also, suspected cockerel. I'll post a before and after because he/she has so much white now. I'm curious to see what the final color will be.



My barred rock cockerel, George

And lastly my cream legbar from you. She has very dark coloration compared to others I've seen.

Oops I guess I didn't take a picture of her this morning. I'll have to add her later.

ETA: you can see my CL back feathers in the forefront of the picture of my BR cockerel, George. Very dark color.
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I got two Swedish Flowers from Twin Cedar and one was a roo. It took a VERY long time for it to be clear that he was a roo, while our FBCM was very obviously male almost from day one. Here he is at just under 4 weeks old. He was bigger than the rest and his wattles were coming in and his comb was already slightly red. He is VERY mild mannered, and he wears a No Crow collar so he doesn't bother the neighbors. If your FBCM is a roo, consider keeping him!
Yes, you FCBM looks very different from mine so that really makes me hopeful for a pullet since mine is 4 1/2 weeks old in the above pictures.
I think my FBCM is a pullet and a beautiful one. Here is a picture from this morning. She has a few copper colored feathers around her neck just starting she has mostly all black down as a chick and stayed that way.


Here is my Swedish flower from you also, suspected cockerel. I'll post a before and after because he/she has so much white now. I'm curious to see what the final color will be.



My barred rock cockerel, George

And lastly my cream legbar from you. She has very dark coloration compared to others I've seen.

Oops I guess I didn't take a picture of her this morning. I'll have to add her later.

ETA: you can see my CL back feathers in the forefront of the picture of my BR cockerel, George. Very dark color.

I think you're right. Barred and Swedish = cockerals. The Marans is looking more like a pullet.
The Legbar will lighten in the coming months and the Swedish's color may change as it gets older.
Thanks for the pictures!
Thanks for that info, do you have the info of the Westford guy? This would be my last resort, I'm hoping to find the proper homes.

Tom Doherty. 104 Providence Rd, Westford. I can PM his phone # if you need it.

For those interested in having birds processed there's Granite State Poultry in Milford NH. I take all my pullet/cockerel culls to them as well as meaties. Really nice people.
Tom Doherty. 104 Providence Rd, Westford. I can PM his phone # if you need it.

For those interested in having birds processed there's Granite State Poultry in Milford NH. I take all my pullet/cockerel culls to them as well as meaties. Really nice people.

How far is the processing place from me (Eastern MA, south shore)?

Don't have meat birds now and not planning on culling any of my girls but just curious for future reference

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