BYC question and answer thread....


8 Years
May 10, 2013
I'll be in the barn!
So you can come here to ask questions.... i will edit this post tomorrow to add people's usernames if they want to answer questions....
People who want to answer questions:

Chickenlover200 - focuses on gender of chicks, some diseases, dehydration, egg bound hens.
Ilovemysilkie - focuses on gender of chicks
Aaisha - focuses on chickens sexing, help with figuring out the breed
casportpony -
I can:

  • Teach people how to tube feed.
  • Tell people where to get all types of antibiotcs and anti-fungals.

If you want to ask a question then post the username of the person you are asking then write your question and we will get back to you shortly!

Edited by ChickenLover200 - Today at 9:43 am

If there is a question we need help with or something we can forward it to the staff.... or something.... i know when i first came here i didn't want to start a million gazillion threads with all my questions so i thought this kind of thread would be helpful to some people needing answers to a lot of questions....
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I'm not to good with chickens but I will answer minor things like what gender chicks are you know? Would you mind adding that by my name cause I don't want to let anyone down if they ask me something I don't know....
so the first question will come from me:
this is for anyone who knows what is wrong with her...
uh what is wrong with this white leghorn?????
I went over this morning to the coop and she was laying down normal like she was going to lay an egg but her foot was sticking up! i didn't know whether she was stretching or her leg was broke! but she stood up and walked fine but as she walked away i noticed she had these spur like things on her legs! she is a hen for sure... right? if she isn't a roo then why does she have these things on her legs?

so the first question will come from me:
this is for anyone who knows what is wrong with her...
uh what is wrong with this white leghorn?????
I went over this morning to the coop and she was laying down normal like she was going to lay an egg but her foot was sticking up! i didn't know whether she was stretching or her leg was broke! but she stood up and walked fine but as she walked away i noticed she had these spur like things on her legs! she is a hen for sure... right? if she isn't a roo then why does she have these things on her legs?

She looks fine to me. Does she act like she is in pain? Sometimes my chickens stand strangely, too. As for the spurs, hens can get spurs. Often, older hens, or very dominant hens get spurs. She's a hen for sure.
ChickenLover200, your hen is probably fine. Chickens can lie down in many odd positions, so as long as she isn't showing any other symptoms (limping, etc.), that is probably normal for her. The spur is unusual, but not unheard of--older hens, especially those that are dominant, often grow spurs on their legs, just like roosters.

Many chickens don't like their feet touched, so I wouldn't worry about her squawking when you touched the spur. When I trim my chickens' nails, even if I don't go far enough to hurt them, they always flinch and squawk.
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