BYC Recognition Awards - Educator, Friend, Spirit, & Greeter

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It is for sure!!:hugs
There are four packages of M&Ms, four mirage bars and four Hershey bars with almonds setting right beside me. So good. :fl ;)

Give up! Sounds like they've got ya surrounded!!
byc eek.gif
Good luck with that. :lau
Ok...maybe I'm not that strong. But I am that stubborn.:p
Life is too short to deprive ourselves of our little comforts!! :highfive:

You got that right!! :highfive:
I agree.
So we called a truce and after heavy's been decided that I will be allowed to have a couple of M&M peanut candies per day. The Hersey and Mirage bars feel left out...but at least there was progress. :oops:

(I don't think they were ready to let me leave. At least I get to live, That's all I can say...shhhhhh!!)
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