I'm new on these forums... and am making my first quilt top.
I've been sewing off and on for 40 years, but most of my attempts at quilt tops have not worked out, partly because lack of knowledge on my part. It's been ages since I've attemptd one.

This quilt top is an easy one, a Single Irish Chain signature quilt, with a blue-batik background, and a white "chain" with blue signatures in the white squares. The blue fabric, has some copper/brown in the pattern, so I am bordering it with copper, blue, white. Maybe I'll post a photo later, if I can figure out how...

I am making it for an auction at my daughter's school. (School colors are blue and white)

I plan to have it machine quilted. It should have been finished already... but I've been preoccupied.

Beautiful quilt. Doing the math and keeping a copy means you have a one of a kind pattern. Although it takes time, I can get lost in doing the a pieced border or enlarging a 10 inch block to a 12 inch. Once it is done, I can re use it ove and over.
Yes two strands. I will try again

Take the two cut ends place them together and put them thru the eye of the needle That leaves a loop at the bottom.

Put your needle thru the fabric and then thru to the back as you come down the back you will see the loop put the needle thru the loop as you finish pulling the needle with the two cut ends in the needle eye it will tighten and then you are locked in place. And you are sewing with the two stands.

Once you figure it out it is great to work with .

I think I got it thanks! That would be much easier.
I'm new at this too, I'm learning with my students at school and working on some from swaps here. We are making a signature quilt with donated squares from our members on here for our local Child Crisis Center. Welcome to the group!
I love the dress and nightgown but the little girl in the photo is a treasure. All my granddaughters are older and don't have a little one to fuss over anymore. I do have a grandson, Owen, who will be one on April 15th, tax day, and daddy is a CPA.

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