So to see if I understand how the boomerang swap works, you send a piece of fabric that you want to use in your block or do you send the piece you like and it may go to some one esle? The other ladies send in a piece of fabric, some one on the other end divides the material based on your preferences and mails them back to you to make what ever you decide. Is this correct?
Everyone sends in one piece of fabric per swapper. The organizer makes sure everyone gets one of everyone elses fabric. W/ each piece of fabric you include a little note, saying what colors you would like, or absolutely don't want in the block, or what this quilt is going to be for (like a child's quilt etc....) anything you think will help the other quilter to know in general terms what your wanting or not wanting. You use their fabric and combine w/ your fabric and make whatever blocks inspire you, label the block you made and who you made it for, send them all back to the organizer, she sorts and sends everyones back to them.

Most swaps you pay for postage x 2 for this one you pay postage x 4
Look at what I figured out how to make. I saw a picture of a similar block months ago and have mulled over it for some time trying to figure out a doable way to make it. Out of the blue I had an epiphany, love how it turned out.

I think we need a quilters masochism movie a'la, "50 Shades of Grey", we could call it "50 Angles of Bias". This fabric screamed for attic windows, it took a while to find the "sweet spot" in the print where I could make the cross cuts w/o loosing a birds head. That is the smallest hst I have dealt w/ they are 1 inch raw, so 1/2 inch finished!!!!

Love it! It had to be tough to get the cardinals just exactly where you wanted them, but then to add 1/2 inch HST?!

It reminds me of a style I just love, Quilts with a View. I got that book many years ago and it's so doggearred and smudged now that it's easy to see it's a favorite. I did one for my sister Linda, called "Moonrise Garden". She loves quilts but hates the patchwork look.

Love it! It had to be tough to get the cardinals just exactly where you wanted them, but then to add 1/2 inch HST?!

It reminds me of a style I just love, Quilts with a View. I got that book many years ago and it's so doggearred and smudged now that it's easy to see it's a favorite. I did one for my sister Linda, called "Moonrise Garden". She loves quilts but hates the patchwork look.

That is awesome!
Just finished another quilt block from my head. The inspiration was the way a child draws their hand w/ crayons to make it look 3D. I love how it turned out.

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