Yep! All the time.

Don't beat yourself up over it ladies. If my mother were alive and came over and saw my house she'd either give me a good lecture or probably suggest just take a match to it after you get the animals out!


Before you do the second mentioned one, send me the embroidery machine you don't know that you are gonna buy.
I'm gonna jump in late here with a huge compliment on your quilting. BEAUTIFUL. But I also have to say either I'm crazy or you are familiar looking. Do you post on quilting forum? If so what's your user name. Mine is the same as here.
I'm gonna jump in late here with a huge compliment on your quilting. BEAUTIFUL. But I also have to say either I'm crazy or you are familiar looking. Do you post on quilting forum? If so what's your user name. Mine is the same as here.

It's always O.K. to jump in late with a compliment
I found this pattern on the net, thought I would share it with ya'll...
I am asking the Rev. for something similar, PLUS, I want a quilt as you go frame.
Hang on be back
Sorry, had to pour a vinegar rinse on my daughter's hair....

Oh, the pattern...

I saw in Quilt magazine the little tension rods I want to go on the ends instead of clamps..but this works well for me.

Back to the quilt as you go frame....any suggestions?
I obviously want a light weight, adjustable frame...and it really doesn't matter if it is the hoop or the square....
I saw Joann fabrics have some I'm interested in.
I think for the quilting bees at the church we need the large frames, but here, my projects I can accomplish what I need with the scrolls...some of it will be machine quilted, but I like to work with my hands....

Oh, I want to know about chenille quilts...I have some chenille bedspreads (old, stained, some tore) and have been waiting to 'use' them...want lovely quilts...treasures..any ideas?
I'm gonna jump in late here with a huge compliment on your quilting. BEAUTIFUL. But I also have to say either I'm crazy or you are familiar looking. Do you post on quilting forum? If so what's your user name. Mine is the same as here.


No, not on there. Maybe I should...what's another forum to join, eh??? lol
Update- pattern has been chosen....friendship star.
Material....well, I just didn't get around to it....if I told ya'll my past week, some might not even believe it! Some days...I wish "I" didn't!

I do have a question...which would hide mistakes better within this quilt... dark or light fabric? I haven't decided if I'm going for a patchwork look or just solids (the stars will have designs on their material...but not sure if I want them all the same since several different women are making....decisions decisions....

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