Fat Daddy

11 Years
Dec 11, 2010
Does the spam that starts playing on its own, and is unstoppable, lock anyone else's puter up? every time one of these horribly obnoxious adds self starts, I either slow to a crawl or lock up completely. I use 2 lap tops one for work and one at home. One runs 7 and locks completely. The other one is 3 months old and running 8, It slows to a crawl..... Im about done fighting it!
The video ads do cause some issues - generally when more than one attempts to run at the same time. What browser(s) are you using? There are ad-blockers that can help depending on the browser. The other option is the paid membership that allows you to disable ads. To me, investing a few $$ on a paid membership is worth the peaceful surfing of the site and I understand the need to do so to make up for the revenue that is "lost" when I block the ads that support the "free" use of the site.
When it comes to either paying to keep spam from invading my computer or not using the site.... I choose to not use the site....
I have the same issues. When the ad tries to start it will slow or lock up my computer. As I type this two ads are trying to start. One in spanish. Very annoying and I make a point not to buy whatever is advertised.
Bill, you have to either download some sort of ad blocker for your browser, (these are free on line) or get a golden feather membership here on BYC so you can turn off the ads. I refuse to deal with the things. Very annoying. And yes, they will slow you down to a crawl. I have Chrome. Nice Ad Block Plus, I believe it is called. Blocks EVERYTHING all over the internet. Speeds up all your pages. Loading ads takes a ton of data and time.
When it comes to either paying to keep spam from invading my computer or not using the site.... I choose to not use the site....

That is not the only option - as I mentioned, depending on the browser you are using, there are ad blocker downloads (free) that can be used.
Bill, you have to either download some sort of ad blocker for your browser, (these are free on line) or get a golden feather membership here on BYC so you can turn off the ads. I refuse to deal with the things. Very annoying. And yes, they will slow you down to a crawl. I have Chrome. Nice Ad Block Plus, I believe it is called. Blocks EVERYTHING all over the internet. Speeds up all your pages. Loading ads takes a ton of data and time.

Thanks Twocrows. I downloaded Ad Blocker Plus for firefox. I can surf in peace and quiet.
Quote: Isn't it nice? Nobody needs all those crazy ads!
I appreciate all the feed back! Thanks everyone! I should have known I was not the only one it drove crazy! I added "Add Blocker Plus" and made a donation.... Have not locked up since!

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