BYC Spinning Fiber

Thank you! I sent an e-mail, MullersLaneFarm, and mentioned you.

I would like to start spinning fiber but I've got a lot of things going on right now, so that new hobby will have to wait hehe.
Now I am wanting to spin. You try to do something nice and do a little research to make sure you buy your mom a nice spinning wheel for christmas and what does that get you ANOTHER HOBBY YOU DON"T HAVE TIME FOR!!!!!! Sheesh!! Ha, I love it!! Can't wait to be able to get started. Think I'm gonna start with a drop spindle though and go from there.

They don't call me the North West IL Fiber Enabler for nuttin!


Cool thing about spindling is you can do it any time you have a few minutes. I used to keep a drop spindle & roving in my purse and when ever I was waiting in line (grocery store, etc), I would pull them out and start spindling. You'd be surprised how much you can spin a few minutes at a time!!

Check out any of Abby Franquemont's YouTube videos on drop spindling. (start with
) Abby is a great gal, so very willing to help. She is the author of the book Respect the Spindle published by Interweave Press.
Woot - woot! I just scored a great deal on Romney/Cormo top roving. $12.50 plus shipping for a lb. That's a pretty great deal, right? I pay $10 for four ounces at my local knitting shop. And there's 16 ounces in a pound....soooooo good deal, right?

It's a natural white/offwhite color. Perhaps I'll spin it up that way and dye the yarn. I've never dyed anything before, so that should be fun.
What's mom plan on doing with the fiber? Is she going to sell it? Give it away? Are you trying to find someone to spin it up for you so you can use it as yarn?

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