BYC Spinning Fiber

My mom has 10 Angora rabbits. French, German and one satin x german angora. I think she has a whole room full of fur she has sheared from them! When I go over there I let some of them run around the house. They are pretty fun. I was going to send someone from BYC some of the fiber and I forgot about it. My mom bought yak wool or something too and she just hasn't gotten around to doing anything with it.
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Good to see this thread again! BlackBrookPoultry, I started spinning a yak and merino blend yesterday. Wow, it is so soft. The merino is fairly short so I am working through it very slowly. I have been so tempted about angora rabbits. Have 3 house rabbits, not sure if an angora would be too warm in the house but outdoors is a tough neighborhood with raccoons and bears. I would like to learn more about extra needs of a long hair rabbit and how to spin such fine fiber. Finished spinning a bunch of Wensleyday, first time making 3 ply yarn, knitting it into socks now.
I just got two angoras and am getting another pair in the next few months. I really like them. The french are very easy to care for brush them once a week and that is it.
ninny, do your French angora's like to be brushed? What do you think of their overall temperament? I have heard of a couple of spinners that have gotten cranky angoras, both French and German, that did not appreciate being brushed or shorn. I have a 2 pound rabbit that does not like to be touched, she is a handful to try to groom when she is shedding. Had a 6 pound fluffy grumpy mini lop that had a very short fuse when groomed. When she was done she would lunge and bite. I know rabbits are individuals as far as temperament goes but would like to make the best choice between the long hair breeds for easy going personality to be either brushed or clipped.

Anyone else have opinions about different angora breeds?
French are the least maintenance. I think it goes Satin,English,Giant,French for maintenance involved. I don't really know anything about the non ARBA breeds. My doe likes being held and groomed. My buck tolerates it. I went through a awful stage with him. I got bite three times before I finally found other owners and my breeder got back to me about it. He is a pet and hold on his terms bunny. Which is fine with me. I think I will be shearing instead of plucking him from now on. I found with him if I give a command and rewarded with carrots he is good. He is really coming around since I starting gain back his trust. I made lots of first time bun owner mistakes with him. I warned him and i was seriously that if he didn't come around he was going in the crock pot. I will never breed or keep a nasty rabbit. I am getting another pair this spring early summer with plans to start breeding this winter. I really like them. I was looking at English they are beyond cute but I don't have time for daily brushing. If you want I will give you my breeders email. She has litters now. I highly suggest joining the angora rabbits group on face book or on Ravelry. Tons of breeders in the face book group.
Thank-you for all the good info! Will check out the Ravelry group. I agree with you about English angoras, beyond cute, especially with their ear tuffs! The daily brushing would also be more than I could keep up with. I have spoken with both French and German breeders here in Oregon, pros and cons for me with either breed. I have had a number of Rexes that combs and brushes could not go through their soft fur, they had to be 'plucked' when they molted. Sure there are dust bunnies in my house but with a Rex there is bunny fur up in the spider webs along the ceiling. It floats everywhere. I am sure angora fur can float equally as well. I like the idea of being able to comb out loose fur of a French. There would be a learning curve for shearing a German angora. That is the biggest reason I have been leaning away from them, until I recently visited someone with 7 Germans of different colors. Oh my goodness those rabbits were giant soft marshmallows! So laid back. Deciding between the different breeds is a good quandary to have. Fun to keep learning more.
Good to see this thread again!  BlackBrookPoultry, I started spinning a yak and merino blend yesterday.  Wow, it is so soft.  The merino is fairly short so I am working through it very slowly.  I have been so tempted about angora rabbits.  Have 3 house rabbits, not sure if an angora would be too warm in the house but outdoors is a tough neighborhood with raccoons and bears. I would like to learn more about extra needs of a long hair rabbit and how to spin such fine fiber.  Finished spinning a bunch of Wensleyday, first time making 3 ply yarn, knitting it into socks now. 

Maybe I could send you some to play with.
I have an English Angora. She loves the attention. The previous owner said she was mean but I don't see it. She lives in the house in a porch room that is more house than porch and is fine in the climate controlled temps of the house. She's rather be in the living room with the people. We groom once a week or as needed. She is handled every other day.
Thank-you for the story about your English angora rockingbearanch. Good job giving her a more understanding home! Rabbits are such fun social animals when given a chance. If only they were not such curious chewers. (nearly lost a freezer's worth of food one time. Luckily the rabbit was fine and the power cord only needed minor mending.) Great to know an English angora is comfortable with house temperatures. House temperatures and keeping up maintenance on their coats have been the 2 biggest concerns for me about getting one.

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