Ended BYC Writing Prompts! A Short Story Contest

Entry 1
Prompt- Drama
Title- Virginia’s Nightmare

This is a shortened selection taken from a larger story I wrote. Virginia is a nine year old girl who lives with her family in Tennessee during the 1950’s. The story follows Virginia as she deals with the grief of losing her Grandfather while the entire series is about her coming of age.

Virginia lay in bed, tossing and turning. She sweat beneath the covers while tears ran down her cheeks as a nightmare played vividly in her mind. Sitting up in bed, she immediately jolted awake. Virginia breathed heavily as she tried to see around the dark room. Her heart pounded at the sound of somebody walking downstairs.
Trembling, she slowly got out of bed, opening her door. Virginia glanced down the stairs and noticed her father had returned home from his job. Henry had sat down on the couch and was enjoying fried chicken and a piece of pie. Wiping her eyes of her tears, Virginia slowly walked down the creaky stairs.
“ Daddy, “ she greeted in a pitiful tone. Somewhat startled, Henry glanced over his shoulder and gave Virginia a sympathetic look.
“ Virginia, what are you doing awake? It’s soon after midnight, “ he asked, concerned.
“ I had a bad dream, “ she told him.
“ Come here, “ he smiled comfortingly, holding out his arms while he set his food on the bedside table. Slowly, Virginia walked over to him and sat in his lap, hugging him around his neck. “ It was just a nightmare. There’s nothing to be afraid of, “ he told her softly.
“ But it wasn’t just a nightmare, “ Virginia whimpered.
“ What do you mean? “
“ I had a dream where you got sick, and you died, “ she fretted, the tears beginning to fill her eyes once more.
“ I’m not sick, Virginia, “ Henry stated plainly. Virginia rubbed her finger against her father’s shirt collar in a circular motion.
“ But you could get sick- like Pawpaw got sick, “ she muttered, her voice cracking. Beginning to cry, Virginia put her head into her father’s neck.
“ I’m not going to get sick like Pawpaw did… I plan on being here a long time, “ he said, stroking the back of her hair.
“ What happened to Pawpaw? What was he sick with? “ she asked innocently. Sighing, Henry stared down at his plate.
“ He wore out, Baby… he just wore out, “ Henry told her softly, taking on a saddened tone.
“ I think about him… sometimes, when I’m happy, I remember him, and it makes me feel bad, “ she confessed, not meeting her father’s gaze.
“ Why does it make you feel bad? “ he asked, perplexed.
“ Because what if he looks down at me from Heaven and thinks I don’t love him anymore? Or thinks I forgot about him? “
“ Your Pawpaw knows how much you loved him- I promise you. He would want you to be happy… I think, if he looked down from Heaven and saw you smiling, it might just make him smile too, “ Henry told her comfortingly with a gentle smile.
“ Do you think so? “ she asked hopefully, a slight grin creeping over her face.
“ I do… Now, how about we get you back in bed so you can get some sleep? You have a big day tomorrow, “ he prompted, carrying her back to bed. Giving her a quick kiss on the head, he set her in the bed and covered the blankets over her. Henry gave her a smile before beginning to leave the room.
“ Daddy, wait, “ Virginia called after him.
“ What is it? “ he asks in a slightly annoyed tone.
“ I’m… I’m scared of the dark, “ she muttered hesitantly, hiding her face under the covers.
“ Oh, Virginia- it’s just the dark, “ he groaned, the dark circles under his eyes illuminating from the reflection of light downstairs.
“ I’m sorry, “ she said, rolling over in bed as she hid her face in the covers and leaving only her eyes to peek out. Letting out a sigh, Henry walked over to the curtains.
“ No- I’m sorry. Your father is just… very tired, “ he gave her a half-reassuring smile before opening the curtains. Hundreds of stars twinkled brilliantly from the heavens, and the moon illuminated the room. Virginia stared up at the sky while her eyes lit up with wonder. “ I used to be scared of the dark too. Your Grandma and Pawpaw would open the curtains for me so I could watch the stars as I fell asleep, “ he told her, beginning to leave the room once more.
“ You were scared of the dark? “ Virginia gawked. Chuckling, Henry answered,
“ Yes- I was. However, I grew out of that. Sweet dreams, Virginia. I love you, “ he told her with an exhausted yet loving tone.
“ Goodnight, Daddy. I love you too. “
Entry 2
Prompt- Dystopian/Drama
Title- Feathered Daydreams

“ What do you suppose it’s like to be a bird? “ she muttered, lying on her back in an open field full of wildflowers. She stared into the clear, blue sky which occasionally held a puffy, white cloud. The scent of wildflowers engulfed her and brought a sense of peace. Her voice sounded mildly melancholic as she asked her question. It was more of a rhetorical question, really, as she didn’t expect an answer. However, she wasn’t talking to herself seeing that there was a young man sitting next to her in the beautiful field.
“ I don’t know, Jenny, “ he answered in an unamused tone, shrugging his shoulders.
“ Well, think about it, “ she snapped at him in annoyance, furrowing her eyebrows momentarily. A frown crept over her face while she pursed her lips, and her gray eyes widened slightly. “ Just really think about it, “ she muttered as her voice wavered. After a moment of silence, he answered,
“ I don’t think I’d like it much. I’d have to eat worms all day, or I’d have to freeze in the winter, or I’d overheat in the summer, “ he grumbled. Suddenly, he rested his hands on either side of Jenny’s face as he smiled cheekily. “ I wouldn’t be able to kiss you if I was a bird, “ he added flirtatiously, beginning to lean towards her.
“ That’s not what I meant, “ she said, gently pushing his away as she sat up. Again, Jenny stared into the sky as a single duck flew across it. A cool breeze blew over her, allowing her hair to gently flow in the wind. “ Imagine what it’s like to fly. What does it look like up there? What does it feel like to only have your wings to support you? What does the air smell like? Does it smell the same? Does it smell like the treetops? What does it look like above the clouds? “
“ Most birds don’t fly that high, “ he retorted.
“ But, Wyatt, you could fly anywhere you wanted… you could fly far, far away from here, “ she whispered when they suddenly heard a loud BANG. Both of them jolted as they watched the duck fall helplessly from the sky. Gently, Wyatt wrapped his arms around her as he pulled her in to kiss the top of her forehead.
“ You can’t run away from your problems, Jenny. You’ll just find more wherever you go, “ he told her comfortingly.
“ Yeah… “ she muttered. “ Yeah, I know. “
Entry 2
Prompt- Dystopian/Drama
Title- Feathered Daydreams

“ What do you suppose it’s like to be a bird? “ she muttered, lying on her back in an open field full of wildflowers. She stared into the clear, blue sky which occasionally held a puffy, white cloud. The scent of wildflowers engulfed her and brought a sense of peace. Her voice sounded mildly melancholic as she asked her question. It was more of a rhetorical question, really, as she didn’t expect an answer. However, she wasn’t talking to herself seeing that there was a young man sitting next to her in the beautiful field.
“ I don’t know, Jenny, “ he answered in an unamused tone, shrugging his shoulders.
“ Well, think about it, “ she snapped at him in annoyance, furrowing her eyebrows momentarily. A frown crept over her face while she pursed her lips, and her gray eyes widened slightly. “ Just really think about it, “ she muttered as her voice wavered. After a moment of silence, he answered,
“ I don’t think I’d like it much. I’d have to eat worms all day, or I’d have to freeze in the winter, or I’d overheat in the summer, “ he grumbled. Suddenly, he rested his hands on either side of Jenny’s face as he smiled cheekily. “ I wouldn’t be able to kiss you if I was a bird, “ he added flirtatiously, beginning to lean towards her.
“ That’s not what I meant, “ she said, gently pushing his away as she sat up. Again, Jenny stared into the sky as a single duck flew across it. A cool breeze blew over her, allowing her hair to gently flow in the wind. “ Imagine what it’s like to fly. What does it look like up there? What does it feel like to only have your wings to support you? What does the air smell like? Does it smell the same? Does it smell like the treetops? What does it look like above the clouds? “
“ Most birds don’t fly that high, “ he retorted.
“ But, Wyatt, you could fly anywhere you wanted… you could fly far, far away from here, “ she whispered when they suddenly heard a loud BANG. Both of them jolted as they watched the duck fall helplessly from the sky. Gently, Wyatt wrapped his arms around her as he pulled her in to kiss the top of her forehead.
“ You can’t run away from your problems, Jenny. You’ll just find more wherever you go, “ he told her comfortingly.
“ Yeah… “ she muttered. “ Yeah, I know. “
The irony in this one is interesting.
How the man found his chickens
By: Russell Dowler

“Russell, wake up! We don't have school today because some weird virus is taking over the world!” Luke, my younger brother said. “Now, now luke. You must be exaggerating.”
“No, that is just what the news said.” Luke said. So I walked down the stairs and I asked my mom if we had school that day. I was sure she was going to say yes because it was a Wednesday and Luke had a way of stretching the truth a little.
But when I asked her she said “ No, there is a virus going around that is making everybody sick so they say school is going to be shut down for 3 weeks.” Now if any normal kid heard that they would be very happy, but I was not any normal kid. I loved school! So I was kinda disappointed, but it gave me a chance to catch up on my new favorite book series “Wishbone”. You see we had just moved from a little house on only a little land to a farmhouse in the country with 3 acres. We used to have a little coop with some chickens. I loved those chickens so much! But it had been about 5 years since I had chicken and I kind of forgot about how much fun raising chickens was. Anyway, back to the story. So I was sitting down reading my book when my mom said my dad wanted to get some chicks so that we could have some eggs to eat during the lockdown. I was so excited! I went right outside and started working on the coop that was there when we moved on the farm. I cleaned the whole thing. Then I went online and looked up how to make a good brooder. Then I found a large tote and I told my dad what supplies to get. When my dad got home I ran right outside to see them. He got 6 black sex links and 6 buff orpingtons. I fell in love with them instantly and that is how I started chicken raising.
How the man found his chickens
By: Russell Dowler

“Russell, wake up! We don't have school today because some weird virus is taking over the world!” Luke, my younger brother said. “Now, now luke. You must be exaggerating.”
“No, that is just what the news said.” Luke said. So I walked down the stairs and I asked my mom if we had school that day. I was sure she was going to say yes because it was a Wednesday and Luke had a way of stretching the truth a little.
But when I asked her she said “ No, there is a virus going around that is making everybody sick so they say school is going to be shut down for 3 weeks.” Now if any normal kid heard that they would be very happy, but I was not any normal kid. I loved school! So I was kinda disappointed, but it gave me a chance to catch up on my new favorite book series “Wishbone”. You see we had just moved from a little house on only a little land to a farmhouse in the country with 3 acres. We used to have a little coop with some chickens. I loved those chickens so much! But it had been about 5 years since I had chicken and I kind of forgot about how much fun raising chickens was. Anyway, back to the story. So I was sitting down reading my book when my mom said my dad wanted to get some chicks so that we could have some eggs to eat during the lockdown. I was so excited! I went right outside and started working on the coop that was there when we moved on the farm. I cleaned the whole thing. Then I went online and looked up how to make a good brooder. Then I found a large tote and I told my dad what supplies to get. When my dad got home I ran right outside to see them. He got 6 black sex links and 6 buff orpingtons. I fell in love with them instantly and that is how I started chicken raising.
What is your prompt?
Entry #1
Prompt: Recount


“I thought we’d grow old together. I’m not the same since the accident.”
“You’re still my beautiful mate.”
“You don’t mind doing the things I used to do?”
“No. You don’t mind my dominance in our relationship now?”
“You never complained about my dominance before.”
“Because I always thought of you as my mirror.”
“Look at me now. Mangled, bent, broken. Old beyond my years.”
“I’ll be here for you until the end.”
Left hand stroked the knotted stubs of what remained of right hand’s fingers. Right hand snuggled under left’s warm palm. They sat together in the lap.

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