Ended BYC Writing Prompts! A Short Story Contest

Entry #1
Prompt: Recount


“I thought we’d grow old together. I’m not the same since the accident.”
“You’re still my beautiful mate.”
“You don’t mind doing the things I used to do?”
“No. You don’t mind my dominance in our relationship now?”
“You never complained about my dominance before.”
“Because I always thought of you as my mirror.”
“Look at me now. Mangled, bent, broken. Old beyond my years.”
“I’ll be here for you until the end.”
Left hand stroked the knotted stubs of what remained of right hand’s fingers. Right hand snuggled under left’s warm palm. They sat together in the lap.
My brain:

I’ve been listening to a lot of Hans Zimmerman music lately
Entry #1
Prompt: Recount


“I thought we’d grow old together. I’m not the same since the accident.”
“You’re still my beautiful mate.”
“You don’t mind doing the things I used to do?”
“No. You don’t mind my dominance in our relationship now?”
“You never complained about my dominance before.”
“Because I always thought of you as my mirror.”
“Look at me now. Mangled, bent, broken. Old beyond my years.”
“I’ll be here for you until the end.”
Left hand stroked the knotted stubs of what remained of right hand’s fingers. Right hand snuggled under left’s warm palm. They sat together in the lap.
The word minimum is 200. :)

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