BYC'er ON TRIAL! *** UPDATE*** and Video pg 2

I was reading some more of the comments. Residential? I googled the town and it has about 1/20 the density of Modesto. It sounds more semi-rural then residential. Then again I am use to living in the West. Maybe if they come to CA, we can show them true suburbia. Endless rows of houses on 1/16th or less acreage. Then again many people seem to keep chickens, ducks, goats, potbelly pigs, etc. in their backyards without any complaint.

Also, from some of the responses, it seems like this was the norm 20+ years ago in this area. What has changed??

I can understand if they want to regulate her as a business. Such as, how here facilities are kept, how many chickens, etc. But no chickens at all??

ya know my thought was WOW 100 chickens on a Quarter acres!! i was not thinking the smell, just the crowdedness, and well after the rain, i m sure there IS a smell, BUT after reading this post, i agree. youre right! i also went to a local lady who has hundreds of chickens and her coops are in a small area, probably about 1/4 acre and she free ranges them, and there was no smell, or crazy noise, (well there were lots of roos, but thats different) and anyways. youre right. these people are probably making a big deal out of this bc they want it to be a big deal.
way to stick to your guns!!!! i may need to borrow some of your gumpton sometime!!!

i will never understand WHY ppl think chickens are So evil... seriously DOGs smell worse if you dont pick up theyre poo! and they bark, at Everything, for NO reason, even at night. whats that? the wind blew? gotta BARK BARK BARK everyone everyone!!!! the Wind is blowing!!!! did ya hear it??? do you hear me barking?? what? be quiet? i m not sure, cant hear ya over my Barking!!! stupid dogs. i'll let your borrow them, then your neighbors can deal with my 2 idiots... oh and we keep them Inside and they do this!! grrrr!
I like her way of fightin' things. Keep doing what you love.
Oh how I wish I could reach through the Internet and slap some of those people with their anti-chicken comments!
It's one thing to be stupid and ignorant all to yourself. It's quite another when you try to force your ignorant and stupid views of how the world should be onto other people!

I wonder if any of these people have the slightest clue of just how idiotic they sound?

We have a very small flock by some standards. Just an even dozen girls. The neighbor to the west of me has an even smaller flock. Just 4 beautiful little RIR hens. A neighbor almost half a mile up the road to the east of me has the largest flock that I know of. Nearly 4 dozen birds, of which several are roo's.

I never smell my own coop, simply because I'm a clean freak and am constantly cleaning up and composting the droppings. My neighbor to the west does the same. The neighbor to the east, yup, same thing for him too. One does not discard garden gold after all!

Once in a blue moon, if the wind blows just right, on a still and quiet morning, I can actually hear the roos of the neighbor to the east of me. Such a lovely sound, and it certainly does NOT go on all day. At least not that I've ever heard. Overall, I'd say that the chickens in this neighborhood are quiet, clean and well behaved.....

Now, in the DOG department...that's quite a different story!

Far to the south of me, on another road, there is a gentleman who has three coon hound/blood hound type dogs. They bark all day long while he is at work! No matter where I am on my property, I can hear them every time they go off. I thank heavens that the man is responsible enough to keep them kennelled when he's not home to supervise them! Being of hunting stock, though not bird hunting stock, I would have grave concerns should they slip away from him and come in the direction of my free ranging girls.

To the east of me, about four doors down and on the same side of the road, there is a family with three Labrador type dogs and two wolf hybrid animals. These canines bark all day and all night!! What the heck!! Do these people NOT hear the dogs barking 24/7?

In the summer, I can't even sleep with my windows open because they are so loud. If I leave the windows open for fresh air, I have to also have the fan on to drowned out all of the neighborhoods barking dogs. This is also the family that owns two of the labs that attacked our poor Jasper while he was sleeping on the cabin porch one sunny June morning a few years ago.

Of course I called animal control in the hopes that they would do something about it. It's a long story as to why I didn't approach the owners directly. Suffice it to say, they are notorious for being vindictive people and I have no desire to have my home and property burned to the ground some hot August night!

After animal control got done with the family, we didn't hear a peep out of those dogs for about 2 weeks! Neither did we see hide nor hair of the two bandits for that same time period. After that, things pretty much went back to normal. Barking 24/7 and two of the three labs can be seen roaming the neighborhood on a regular basis.

They do NOT come here though....rock salt blasted into their butts from a 12 gauge took care of that! No lasting damage, but it leaves a lasting impression on a dog, believe me!! Did I feel guilty about the vet bill they may have incurred? Nope! And I bet they didn't feel the least bit bad about the $297 vet bill for our Jasper either!

So, which do you think I'd rather put up with? A few roo's who cockadoodledo for about a half hour in the morning, or dogs that run free, raising Cain every time we turn around and bark 24/7/365? If you put your money on the chickens, YOU WIN!!!

As a side note: When we bought our land out here 12 years ago, there were two other homes on our road....there are now 26 besides ourselves and the original other two. I wish we had known this area was going to grow as fast as it did. We might have looked even further out than we did! It used to be such a nice, quiet neighborhood.

But, it also illustrates how far I'm willing to go to respect the rights of other landowners. I wouldn't want anyone telling me I can't have a gazillion chickens if I want. I'm not about to play double standard and tell them they can't have five dogs because I don't want to hear the barking. It's the comes with the territory!

Those folks in Vermont need to grow up and learn to get along with their neighbors! Ya never know....might come a day when they NEED her eggs! BikerBabeRules, You go girl!! Give 'em Heck!!!

wow! that was rather long winded, wasn't it?
I hear they told her she has 15 days to get rid of all her roosters but one. The local TV news is going out to do a story on the situation today.
That's too bad. Please keep us posted and thank you for the alert in the first place.
I love it when someone says they grew up on a farm and then proceeds to tell trash as fact. Cause then you find out that it was the great grandfather's farm and they went to visit once or just heard stories! 150 acre farm with less chickens than one hundred and they stank

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I'm going to see her tomorrow-we set up a date a few weeks ago before all this exploided!!! I feel so bad for her-what a sweetie-Ill be helping her process roo's and such and taking birds home with me to help-That really rots what the town and neighbors are putting her through!!!

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