Needing Help Figuring Out Whats Wrong with my Young Flock


Apr 3, 2023
I've posted before over the past month and have had a ton of feedback, but still not seeing much of a difference.

**please read the whole thing before commenting as I've tried a lot of different things already**


April 26th: Salmon Favorelle has puffy red eyes and very sleepy. Everyone else totally fine.
- I gave her terramycin on her eye 3 times a day for about 3 or 4 days. Good as new.

May 2nd: Speckled Sussex starts to become slow moving and wings slightly hanging. I added electrolytes and probiotics to water to give a boost.

May 3rd: reddish orange poop. Posted pics and most people said intestinal lining, but then that night he had the full on cocci stance. So I put everyone on corrid for 7 days to be safe.

He got better each day and made almost a full recovery on May 6th but I continued corrid til May 9th as directed. (Despite him making a recovery his eyes never stopped being "sickly." Totally alert and eating drinking walking normal but eyes never as they were before)

May 11th: Olive Egger gets wry neck 😩 but I caught it quick enough that she actually made a full recovery almost in 24 hours. I was honestly shocked, because she was BAD off. Like I thought we would have to put her out of her misery.

May 13th: pretty much smooth sailing aside from SS eyes being droopy. I tried terramycin on the eye for a few days like I did my Salmon Favorelle but I didng see improvement.

So, I posted on May 16th about him still not having any improvement in that area after a few weeks of different things. I also noticed bubbles in the eye that led me to Mycoplasma. So, I ordered Doxy-Tyl and we are on day 5 of that but I really don't feel it looks any different.

Today though may 24th, my Salmon Favorelle has some sort of sore (maybe fowl pox?) On one of her eyes.

Any other ideas? I've checked for lice/mites/worms idk what else to do. Is it possible they will just always look like that?

I hate seeing them like this but I also hate putting them through all these different things. I just want to make sure they are getting the best care on my part.

After Day 7 of Doxy-Tyl I plan on putting probiotics in the water again, just wondering if I should do anything else.

Thank you to those who are always responding to my post. Truly appreciate yall!! 🩷

Pics from today of my Salmon and SS.


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The incident of wry neck was likely caused by keeping your chickens too long on the coccidiostat. Am I correct to assume you live in the US and were using Corid? The protocol is five days on Corid, one week rest and then five more days on Corid. Corid acts to deprive coccidia of thiamine which this protozoa requires to carry out its life cycle. But by depriving your chickens of thiamine for an extended period, it created a deficiency that a chicken brain is very vulnerable to, and the result was a neurological disorder which is what wry neck is. Therefore, we recommend giving B-vitamins between and following the Corid treatments, but not during, so this can be avoided.

It does appear you are also dealing with a respiratory illness in your flock. These are difficult to treat because the underlying cause is a virus. The antibiotic is only to treat the symptoms of secondary bacterial infection. All you can do is keep at it until you have it conquered.

It would be helpful to link to your previous threads on this topic or to have kept the discussion to the original thread so all of your information would be accessible in one place. There is no limit on how long a thread can be. Some of the best threads on this site have been thousands of pages long, creating a wealth of information and experience to glean from.
Correct I'm in the US and used corrid. I used it 7 days as the packet instructed and then put them on vitamins and electrolytes so I thought I was in the clear there but was able to fix with selenium vitamin e

I'll just stick to probiotics and vitamins for a bit. Is there a such thing as too much probiotic and vitamin or can you keep putting in water daily?
Honestly I would put lavender essential oil on every chicken separate feathers and put a few drops on skin on back of neck near head it will absorb through the skin and they will breath it in do this at night on the roost it's easier to get all birds it is a staple in my coop it's antibacterial anti viral anti fungal calming and pain reliever hopefully if your chick's have a virus it will help kick it quicker so everyone isn't affected if you can do it nightly until everyone seems better at least every other night no less than that or it won't work for you

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