Ended BYC's 15th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along—2024—Feathered Holiday Dreams, a Text-to-Image Contest

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We need to do this for every holiday!
What's the next holiday we should do it for?

I agree. I can't believe how much fun I've had with this. I'm 63 btw, like a kid playing with these. I've made so many I wouldn't post but I think I have at least 3 more I could enter. I just get lost playing around with words. And, this is something everyone can do whether they have computer skills or not. I can't bake, we have no snow, etc. so I've not been able to join too many contests but this one is a hoot!

Thank you again, @casportpony! :hugs
You're welcome! I love playing around wit it too!
A lot of guinea fowl flying through a christmas decorated living room and making a mess of the christmas decorations


Whew! It took a lot of work getting Bing to quit giving me pictures of guinea pigs! But I love the chaos it created when it finally got it.
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