Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

Prompt: three grey chicks having a picnic dinner on an American flag while watching shooting stars and fireworks.

Second Entry:
Microsoft Image Creator
chicken dressed as a colonial general wearing a powdered wig crossing the river at night standing on the prow of a boat facing forwards pointing a saber with the stars and stripes and fireworks in the background
View attachment 3853563
Very reverent! Pretty too!
Adorable. That looks like a giant pecan, and closer, looks like brush strokes, so almost like a painting. Love it!
It's so hard to get the AI to do what you want! I created my profile photo using AI and it totally backfired on me 😂
That's the first Independence Day photo that I was able to get in which the chicks were in proportion to the things around them, at least relatively 😂😂
It's so hard to get the AI to do what you want! I created my profile photo using AI and it totally backfired on me 😂
That's the first Independence Day photo that I was able to get in which the chicks were in proportion to the things around them, at least relatively 😂😂
You're doing great though! I've only used Bing thus far (my avatar and a couple in the past). Bing gives you four options for the words you type in there. Does yours too?
You're doing great though! I've only used Bing thus far (my avatar and a couple in the past). Bing gives you four options for the words you type in there. Does yours too?
No, not really... it lets me type the prompts. I ran out of 'credits' on Fotor, so I found another platform called 'OpenArt'. I don't know if I can enter photos from there... I finally got a cute one of a yellow chick.

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