**** C S R A Group ****

David: check this out... New Zealand RABBITS in Vidalia

Thanks, John. I will consider them. I am meeting up with a rabbit breeder on the 18th coming through Augusta on his way to a show. If anyone is interested in some meat rabbits I will connect you with him. I got the contact through LarkRise.
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It's official. One of the Delaware pullets went to Sweden and got a sex change. She is now a cockrel. He crowed this morning. Kinda pittiful sounding, but crow none-the-less. As much as I want him, (he is a good looking chicken) I am not allowed to keep "crowers" and my family won't eat him.
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Well dang! I love that Dels announce their sex so early! Tell ya what, I'll take him back and if he's breeding material I put him with some pullets I get in a few months. I'm in Mississippi til next Saturday the 19th though. And when I hatch out pullets ill give you a pullet or 2 to replace him.
Well dang! I love that Dels announce their sex so early! Tell ya what, I'll take him back and if he's breeding material I put him with some pullets I get in a few months. I'm in Mississippi til next Saturday the 19th though. And when I hatch out pullets ill give you a pullet or 2 to replace him.

Sounds good.
The Swap gave me some inspiration about forming a local Backyard Chicken Group to promote awareness and education about hobby farms and self sufficiency. This would give us enthusiasts an opportunity to get together monthly and have fun exchanging stories and helping each other in person. Anyone interested?

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