Cabbage is bad for chickens?


10 Years
Jul 30, 2009
Wellington KY
So I was just reading the toxic plants list on Poultryhelp and now I am feeling overwhelmed. It seems like every plant in my yard is on that list. My girls usually free range for at least a few hours everyday and now I am worried about them. Cabbage is on the list and I give them a head of cabbage every Tuesday because I have to work out of town that day and they are cooped up for hours until I get home around 6:30. I haven't ever had any trouble and have read about lots of people giving their chickens cabbage.
Does anyone else give their chickens cabbage?
Billie Jo
Ours get it every now and then. No problem unless you call green poop a problem.
I have fed literally bushels of cabbage over the years. And turnip greens, mustards, kale, collards, parsley, and chard.

It's all good for them unless you're trying to make them eat nothing but greens.

Don't sweat the toxic plants too much. Nearly all of them taste bad. I've yet to see a chicken poisoned by eating a poisonous plant unless they were sprayed with something toxic.

I had not seen that before, that's an interesting list. Curious, what could be in cabbage to be considered toxic, especially if kale and collards are considered safe? I have been buying cabbage by the 24 head case this winter. 11 hens and a rooster have eaten a head of cabbage a day since December. It does make for smellier high fiber poop.
My chickens get all sorts that we grow and they have had a lot of cabbage this winter - doesn't seem to have done them any harm.
They love lettuce which they get most days. Corn on the cob when we have it - we cut it into pieces so they get a bit each.

A small bit of bread as a rare treat (run around with it in their beak - like I GOT THE BREAD - I GOT THE BREAD!!!!!!)
Baby tomatoes - one each so they don't squable!
Strawberries. We tried them with half a fresh coconut but wouldn't bother again - hung it up but they were very suspicious!

The odd bit of cooked spaghetti is always fun.
Smorgesbord - thats what we call it! They get so excited when we go towards them with a little tray of bits & pieces
what you got, me first. let me at it!

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